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Jason McK 04-19-2011 03:01 AM

I'll be heading down for the show. Likely early Saturday morning then return Sunday. I'm not staying at the hotel but will keep my eyes out for everyone


ALang 04-19-2011 04:02 AM

Tagging along as we might be able to swing this, too..........
Anyone else going from Alberta??

lngrhaul 04-19-2011 04:03 AM

I am booked to attend as well. Likely going on the clipper (only about 90 return Shelley) and we are booked at the hotel for the 2 nights.

Fantastic offer to get the corals through for us. Then perhaps the islanders can go in together to get them flown over......

I can't wait!!

Borderjumper 04-19-2011 04:35 AM


For those of you that plan on taking the Clipper, I can provide parking for 4-6 cars for the weekend. We can then either walk, or talk my Boo into taking us down to the terminal.

don.ald 04-19-2011 02:12 PM

flights and hotel booked.
do we pre-register?
dont see a link on the site.

Bblinks 04-19-2011 02:53 PM

Paul, I will probably make this trip. Please keep me post it. Thanks.

Gooly001 04-19-2011 09:09 PM

Hi Rick,

I'm looking into the cost of hiring a Coach bus to take us down there and back. Another option is to take the Train down from Vancouver and we get dropped off downtown Seattle. No traffic to worry about.

Still trying to figure out different options for travel at the moment.

Ultimately, we could carpool if we didn't have the numbers to make hiring a coach economical. Right now as it stands I have a lot of interest and a few confirmed for sure. I'll wait till after the weekend and compile a list of who's in and post it on this thread. If I miss you, please PM me and I'll add you to the list.




Originally Posted by don.ald (Post 607773)
shelley, we have alaska air miles so we will fly on points via kenmore air seaplane.

off the top of my head :question: i think it is about 300$ + tax(es) return on kenmore air from victoria.

shelley, what does the clipper cost?

paul how is the mainlanders traveling?
as a group? what type of transport?

Gooly001 04-19-2011 09:10 PM

It's pay at the door for admission. I am trying to get a hold of the organizer to see if we can get a group rate. Will keep y'all posted.




Originally Posted by don.ald (Post 607903)
flights and hotel booked.
do we pre-register?
dont see a link on the site.

Gooly001 04-19-2011 09:14 PM

Hi Trina,

Can't wait to finally meet you and Patrick. Have been dealing with you guys for some time now and it'll be great to put a face to the name.

Thank you so much for offering our group a "swag" pack and I'm sure everyone attending will make a point of stopping by your booth to say "Hi" and explore what you guys at Reef Wholesale have brought available to Canada. That and having Todd Cherry's in the same booth makes it even more enticing to stop by. He has some of the nicest corals in North America hands down.




Originally Posted by tparsons (Post 607739)
Great initiative Paul!

We will have a large booth for the show and will see everyone there!
It will be a great show!

MAX was a success and alot of fun and I am excited for a show with the possibility of a higher Canadian turn-out!

I know some great coral vendors will be present for this show, including Cherry Corals so your offer to help facilitate bringing back non-CITIES specimens is a wonderful opportunity for everyone!

Gooly001 04-19-2011 09:23 PM

Hi Shelley,

Yes NON CITES meaning:

Soft corals that are NOT attached to any type of rock either dead or alive. Plugs are fine.

Soft corals: corals that do not have a calcium base to their structure. ie Zoas/Palys, Rics

If you choose to buy stony corals and bring them back across the border, THEY will get confiscated and you WILL be fined. I will be ensuring that ALL livestock brought back through me are within USFW and Environment Canada's guidelines. It is not worth it for anyone to try and sneak them across. You are risking yourself as well as the life of the coral that you are trying to bring across so please don't.

Thanks everyone for your attention to this very important matter.




Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 607751)
I have a room booked at the hotel for Friday and Saturday nights. I might be looking for a room-mate..Don't know for sure yet.

I'm prolly going to head over Friday on the ferry and come back Sunday afternoon. Rick have you checked the cost of flight vs ferry?

Everyone remember if you fly you need a passport... By land or water you need a passport OR an enhanced Drivers License.

Non CITES Paul? As in softies and unattached zoas? How would this work? Would we purchase the coral and leave them with you Sunday? And i guess hook up sometime later after the border crossing?

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