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Coleus 06-21-2010 04:49 PM

bigger is better in my opinion but then you will spend more money in filling the tank :-)

Lance 06-21-2010 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by marie (Post 529196)
Don't listen to Lance....the expensive vacation came about because he covered his poor beleaguered wife in algae goo.....twice

......and laughed

Yeah, but she got me back. (with skimmate!)
Seriously though, go with the biggest tank you have room for or can afford.

saltcreep 06-21-2010 05:40 PM

Size matters. You don't want to end up with tank envy.

gobytron 06-21-2010 07:22 PM

I love my 95 gallon seamless.
I started with an aquapod 12 then moved to a 32 bowfront then to a 72 bowfront and now into a 95.

I have never thought that any of my systems were a waste of time.

One of the reefs I have run and gotten the most satisfaction out of was a 5.5gallon softie/zoa tank that I ran for a year with only a hermit, snail and yasha goby w. pistol shrimp.

It was far from a waste of time.
it, as all of my other tanks present and past taught me a lot about reefing and I got a lot of pleasure and personal satisfaction out of them.

regardless of size.

Reeferized 06-21-2010 11:14 PM

Started a good little debate.
Yes, if I can swing it, i think a 180-210 is in order. Might take me a couple months of picking up a couple rocks at a time, but that would be a wonderful size in my basement. I'm a little worried about maint on that size of tank though, that's a whole lotta water, and lighting. I would have the ability to have the tank out front in the main room, and backing on a wall that I can have a sump and small fish room in. (might need to pull over a dedicated circuit for the tank though) Also has water, sink, and drain. I was looking at tanks, (for ever it seems) and am wondering if anyone has a tank build buy RC (Kevin), and how it is? Will I end up paying more for a custom built larger tank? Compared to grabin a 180 myself and drilling it and making my own overflow boxes.

Kevin is a genuine good guy and sometimes I wonder if it would not just be easier to go in and slap my cheque book on the counter, and say....set me up. I'm sure he'd give me a good deal, with quality products. (less mixing and matching mistakes)

Any thoughts?

Reeferized 06-21-2010 11:17 PM


Any good metal frame builders out there? Been a while since I used my welding skills, and for this size of tank....someone that's a pro, is certainly in order.

lockrookie 06-22-2010 12:43 AM

talk to The Grizz he may be able to help you out

kien 06-22-2010 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Reeferized (Post 529411)
I'm a little worried about maint on that size of tank though, that's a whole lotta water, and lighting. I would have the ability to have the tank out front in the main room, and backing on a wall that I can have a sump and small fish room in. (might need to pull over a dedicated circuit for the tank though) Also has water, sink, and drain. I was looking at tanks, (for ever it seems) and am wondering if anyone has a tank build buy RC (Kevin), and how it is? Will I end up paying more for a custom built larger tank? Compared to grabin a 180 myself and drilling it and making my own overflow boxes.

Yup, it is a slippery slope. First its, "oh, let's upgrade our tank to something a little bigger". Then its, "separate circuit!", "fish room!" :lol:

I have a 131g built by the Red Coral crew and I love it. They built everything into the tank that I asked for at a very reasonable price IMO. Plus, it holds water very well, which is just icing on the cake.

Customization gives you much more flexibility.

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