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Chase31 02-07-2010 11:25 PM

we...need....more...PICTURES!!!! :D
pretty please and thank you :shocked!:

The Grizz 02-07-2010 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by sharuq1 (Post 490007)
Can we some some more pics pretty please? Also, can you build stands for anybody or do they have to live here in town?

I could take a couple pics of the pile of acrylic that I have to put together & a tank sitting on saw horses but that might be a little boring. I have been a little lazy about the build because I don't want to get to far ahead and not have any light's, still searching.

Yes I would build stands for anyone they dont have to live in Red Deer but maybe at least the same province unless they are coming to get it.

sleschwin 02-08-2010 12:36 AM

my word
Greg, If we dont get some serious product shots..........

Hows it all looking..

The Grizz 02-08-2010 12:43 AM

I will try to get something done on it tomorrow so that I have something to show. I thought maybe I would go for the record of the worlds longest tank build, lol. Maybe this time I might get at least a 1 star rating on this thread.

The Grizz 02-09-2010 01:42 AM

Ok you asked for more pics so here are a few.

Stand all painted and ready for oak surround. I hope to go get the finishing wood tomorrow.

Started building my acrylic sump today. It is not as easy as it should look but I found a trick to it. Got the 2 ends and the front panel attached today and have figured out the rest of the layout. Hope to get some more of it together tomorrow.

And here is a teaser shot of the back of the tank,lol. To heavy to turn around by myself.

the marine apprentice 02-09-2010 01:49 AM

right on greg. ill come out tomorrow night and help out with that sump. im gonna try to bring out that big acrylic tank setup i got under my deck at the house and we can build some stuff haha

The Grizz 02-12-2010 03:24 AM

Sump is almost done, water test tomorrow. Tank is on the stand with 3/4" birch and 1/2" styro underneith. 1/2" plywood on the bottom shelf now just have to get styro cut for under the sump. Pic will be added as soon as Terry get's conected back to the net. Next step is the plumbing.

Chase31 02-12-2010 03:27 AM

i bet you know what im going to say....

Where are the pictures!!

The Grizz 02-12-2010 03:33 AM

They are on the marine apprentice's camera, I will take some tomorrow and post just for you Chase.

Chase31 02-12-2010 03:55 AM

well they better be or else.

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