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-=James=- 12-02-2009 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 469201)
I've had a sand sifting starfish for years. He does a great job of sifting the sand. Gobies are great too. Although, they tend to kick up a lot of sand sometimes.

I was about to pick up a sandsifting star for $5 but I didnt think my sand could sustain it cause its fairly new...and I heard mixed reviews of how it will eat everything in the sand. I really want a goby...but heard it wont eat the algae on the sand.

PS your gsp looks awesome in my tank :thumb:

-=James=- 12-09-2009 05:13 AM

UPDATE: 6th week
Torch Coral

Green Brain


Green and Pink Fuzzy Mushrooms

Kurtonius 12-18-2009 06:22 AM

I'm about 8 weeks behind you
Nice 72 James. I just ordered a 72 Bow Front and I'm stolked to aquascape it!

I started setting up my first tank (50g) about a month ago. As I learned more about this hobby I realized that my 50g was too narrow for what I wanted to accomplish. When my new bofront comes in, I'll transfer my live rock and fish to it. I plan on keeping a photo diary too. Keep tuned!!

-=James=- 12-18-2009 05:31 PM

Thanks! I think I am putting up TOO many pictures though haha.

I am really surprised I can put all these things in and its been less than 2 months. Guess I got lucky? Never noticed a cycle and my diatoms went away really quick!

Another update: added more fish

Blue Tang
Yellow Tang
Coral Beauty
2 Cleaner shrimps
Coral banded shrimp
Bicolor blenny
Mandarin dragonet
Purple firefish
Cleaner wrasse

Patrick1 12-18-2009 05:44 PM

Looks Great James !!!

Where did you get such an awsome looking system???

Hope everything is working out good for you.

gobytron 12-18-2009 06:38 PM

There is a good chance a sandsifting star would perish in your new sandbed, although it might survive it's a gamble.

I use Nas snails and cerith snails to sift my sand.

They work awesome IME.

-=James=- 12-18-2009 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Patrick1 (Post 473671)
Looks Great James !!!

Where did you get such an awsome looking system???

Hope everything is working out good for you.

Thanks Patrick!

It is a pretty awesome system. And it is a pain to access the tank. I wish I woulda bought that profilux off you too...

Patrick1 12-18-2009 11:58 PM

Told you, Hahaha. The good thing is when it is all set up. I didn't need into it a whole lot. When people see it they say how good it looks, not how do you get inside.

Keep up the good work. You can buy Profilux from progressive reef in victoria.

-=James=- 01-29-2010 04:30 AM

Another update: Tank has been up and running about 3 months now!

I've added a yellow and red goniopora, green plate coral, bubble coral, yellow watchman goby, and juvi emperor angel.

I sold the coral beauty,yellow and hippo tang. Planning to replace the tangs with small ones. Half my bubble and my brain also died for some reason...

EDIT: Tank is now sold =(
Some last pics of it

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