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bvlester 12-28-2009 06:30 AM

coriline algae is growning good I have added a tuxedo urchin help with algea does a great job but it seems to like coriline algae also. one of my pepermint shrimp and one of my cleaner shrimp are loaded with eggs. Both are shy as soon as they see movment there gone so I can not catch them and place in to a different tank. To keep the babies and raise for sale so we will see what happens I wish this would have happened after I changed tanks. I may have to put off the tank change over for a bit I wnat to see if any of the babies servive and grow.. I think I will have to put the jaw fish in the kids tank insted of this tank. I will have to up load some more picture to photo bucket, I am going to try and get a couple of coral pics also.


Leah 12-28-2009 12:38 PM


I have a pair of cleaners in a tank by them selves and they had eggs and none survived.
Not to mention having them in a reef tank, chances are probably pretty slim.
Let us know what happens though. :biggrin:


bvlester 12-28-2009 10:15 PM

Ya I will I'm just interested in seeing what happens as there is a lot of rock in this tank as all the rock is for the upgrade to the 90g. so there is about 110 pounds in the 55g a bit over kill but nice to see. Kind of like being on the reef it almost 40 rock 60 everything else. anyways it is deffinitly more in there than anyone alses tank I have seen ratio wise. I am sitting a tank that is about 3 times the size and it doesn't have as much rock.

My mother in law was over tonight and they have a B&B in the caribean they lived there for 12 years. She admiers my tank and thinks it looks alot like the reefs around where they were. Their place in at the commonwealth of Dominica part of the West Indies.
It's prity good if a person that has lived and swam on a reef on a continual basis can compare a tank to the real thing that is what everyone here is trying to do.

Well now I just checked my tank and I have about 1000 little baby shrimp swimming around right now. I think they are the pepermint shrimps babies. as 2 of my cleaner shrimps are still loaded with eggs.
Now things get interesting I put some in my QT along with a bit of cheato I also put some in my sump fuge as it has a lot of cheato in there. they might have a chance if spread out a bit.

bvlester 12-29-2009 06:51 AM

update shrimp eggs.

bvlester 01-19-2010 11:23 PM

upgrade in the works.
well if all gose well I will be upgrading my 55g to a 110g or 120g depending on which tank he has still, instead of the 90g then I have to figure out which tank to sell. THis is going to be great more of every thing sort of I think I have almost enough corals I may get a couple more. There will deffinitly be more fish though. I have seen many tanks and alot seem to lack in the corals, I know it is a personal choice. I just thing we are suposto be recreating a eco system abit of plant matter does help a tank. that is why we have fuges and such for our tanks. Well that is the news so I may start a new journal for the new tank I hope things go well I will use as much of my water and sand as I can I also have a couple of bags of live sand here so the tank cycle should be nominal. I have asked him to keep some of his water also. I will be getting all of his LR he has it in a 225g tank so there is lots extras will be sold off for what I pay for it. THe LR has not had direct light for a while but has been in a heated and sirculated tank the whole time he has a skimmer in there also.


Leah 01-20-2010 12:04 AM

Sounds great! Can't wait to see it. Ms Potter will have a hay-day in her new home. :biggrin:


Marlin65 01-20-2010 01:19 AM

Looking good love the flame picture.

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