I have to agree with the other two staff members here.
Sorry but your post here Levi and earlier in the store for sale thread, both took pot shots at the staff here, so yes it insulted me. As I said before, others need to understand more goes on behind the scene.
Perhaps we need to explain why sometimes, I dont know. But when we do we are usually crapped on anyways, as the free speech crap always is thrown at us, no matter what.
Why could those having a problem not pm one or all of us, rather than posting these comments in this forum. Anyone would know its going to cause problems.
Same as the threads everyones complaining about, including the Big Al thread. Now cmon. Those would be shut down on most all reefing boards I post on. Like was said, those discussions may be fine when sitting around together.
As for Titus the boards owner, well I,m sure he can speak for himself but he lives and works overseas, does put in considerable time behind the scenes.
Remember we just volenteer. Sometimes staff just cant jump on things, such as the for sale thread you wondered why was still there. The other was moved for now as Jason mentioned. That was because were sent lots of reports about the thread going south, at least in somes opinions.
We try do whats best for the board under the guidelines set down. Thats about all we can do. For sure everyone will not always be in agreement but you may be surprised at how many are.