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my2rotties 02-25-2009 10:39 PM

I forgot to ask you about when you are going to buy those trendy doggie over the shoulder hand bags and strollers for your little guy? Little puppy might get too tired and you will have to carry him:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Sorry but you so don't look like one of those people, but loving a dog makes you do silly things:wink:

Rbacchiega 02-25-2009 11:43 PM

well they now have matching jerseys.... Oscar also has an argyle sweater (omg) and booties for when we go for walks in the snow.

And because I didn't want Dex left out I bought him a polo shirt...the collar even pops.

I can't believe I just did that. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND I just realized I have two German dogs (Dexter and Oscar are very German names LOL) so for halloween I'm dressing them up as WW2 soldiers.

my2rotties 02-26-2009 12:05 AM

You dress your dogs up? AWESOME!!!:mrgreen:

Rotties have n sense of humor when it comes to clothing f any kind. My Stafford Fergus has a few sweaters, one being argyle as well. I think he is aware that he may look gay and will run into the under brush until the sweater either comes off or is destroyed. I need to get him a nut warmer for the deep Bragg Creek snow, he suffers huge amounts of shrinkage when he is out.


Originally Posted by Rbacchiega (Post 393043)
well they now have matching jerseys.... Oscar also has an argyle sweater (omg) and booties for when we go for walks in the snow.

And because I didn't want Dex left out I bought him a polo shirt...the collar even pops.

I can't believe I just did that. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND I just realized I have two German dogs (Dexter and Oscar are very German names LOL) so for halloween I'm dressing them up as WW2 soldiers.

Rbacchiega 02-26-2009 12:12 AM

that's possibly the funniest thing I have ever read. Just go get an old lady to knit a coin purse (BAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA)

I don't make it a habit to dress my dogs (their both naked now) But I let Dex out for a long time and Oscar gets I put on his boots if he's going out for more than a pee (which seems to be every 10 minutes) But they will be dressed up for when guests come over for dinner.

Pan 02-26-2009 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by KennyKen (Post 392757)
I have one,
and it is a ravenous beast from hell.
She will turn on me in a blink of any eye.
She's not as bad with me as she is with my girlfriend. She attacks my girlfriend daily when she gets to close to me, or hugs me.

to sum it up, she is extremely possesive....and crazy.
and smells awful.

But i love her?

the Dog?

spanky 03-01-2009 12:56 AM

I dont know how I missed this post! Here's a picture of my Piebald and my silver Dapple weenies. The white pibald's name is Newton and the dapple is Ernie (chubs)

Doug 03-01-2009 02:31 PM

2 Attachment(s)
OMG are they cute. :biggrin: Ernie looks just like our Kingsley.

spanky 03-01-2009 03:42 PM

Wow they sure do look alike. HAHA Kingsley's outfit is great.

Ian 03-01-2009 08:02 PM

HAve friends that have one of these.Neet dog but wow what a pig. They had to velcro shut the fridge cause he figured out how to open it and would help himself to everything. They came home one day and he had eaten an entire Ham. He was laying on the floor feet straight up un the air groaning..they thought he ws a goner.

spanky 03-01-2009 09:33 PM

We had to do the same thing with our last dacshund he opened the fridge and ate a pound of raw chicken breast and then opened the pantry and ate 11 kaiser buns. We had velcro on the fridge and baby locks on all the cupboards haha.

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