GreenSpottedPuffer |
11-10-2008 07:43 PM |
I hope my posts do not sound too harsh. I am not telling you not to get one...just that you may want to rethink it. And it has nothing to do with your experience or tank, its to do with the dismal survival rate of these fish. I really don't understand why stores still sell these fish.
One of the reasons that a Moorish Idol that eats prepared foods is not necessarily healthy is because most of the foods you are feeding them are the wrong foods and do not get digested properly or just simply do not have the proper nutrition for an idol. They do not eat mysis, flakes or pellets in the ocean. I understand many other fish do not either but many other fish can adapt much easier and better to frozen/prepared foods. Many of the foods we feed tangs for example are formulated to keep a tang nice and healthy.
Again, not saying don't get one, just reminding people to think twice about buying one and hoping that stores will stop ordering them!