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Trigger Man 10-30-2008 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by Zylumn (Post 355966)
You now own a fence. Just think you can paint the other side a hot pink with lime green stripes. Tell them it was a coral you used to own.

And if you decide against that you can always have a big bonfire for all the Canreefers with all the extra wood you know own. I'll bring marshmellows.

EmilyB 10-30-2008 06:22 AM

Well, that is certainly far worse than the neighbors who continually steal our out front parking. Far be it from them that they would EVER park in the alley. We always end up parking one vehicle back there.

I'll think of you before I blow my fuse next time. :mrgreen:

Leah 10-30-2008 11:28 AM

That is really ignorant what if it was an emergency! Stuck between a rock and a hard
place. Sorry for asking but do they pay much to get the car back? Yeah I'd be a tiny
bit scared they may do something back. I have had some really low neighbours in the
past even after giving people stuff, they pull crap, go figure....What do they say, Love
thy neighbour. Who said that, anyway lol

michika 10-30-2008 01:26 PM

Well parking services came out, and I guess they saw the truck coming because they moved their car of their own accord. When I got outside to meet the toe truck the driver relayed the story to me. Apparently they see this kind of pettiness all the time. I've been advised to keep calling when it happens, and if it escalates, then take it to CPS.

Parker 10-30-2008 01:53 PM

My neighbor on one side won't even look at me, in fact he won't even pull in his drive way if I'm in mine, he will circle the neighborhood until I'm gone. I'll stand out there just to watch him do laps, I think it's hilarious, my wife doesn't. The weird thing though is we've never had an issue. I don't park in front of his house, I cut all the grass between our houses, I shovel all the way across their drive way in the winter. He will talk to Anathea ( my wife ) every time she is outside. Maybe I just look intimidating, lol

Der_Iron_Chef 10-30-2008 02:21 PM

Yeah, people are crazy. There are some older people who live in my building, and they're apparently terrified of me. Why? I don't know...because I'm not geriatric? Because I have a beard? Because I'm a big guy? Call me crazy, but those aren't prerequisites for "murdering rapist"....

A guy from Pakistan moved into the building last month, and my neighbor overheard another tenant wondering aloud if he was a terrorist. *sigh*

Anyway, glad you got it sorted, for today anyway. Let us know if you need any help sorting it out in the future....sounds like we have some creative ideas going around :D

hillbillyreefer 10-30-2008 02:30 PM

Start getting ready for next time now. Take some of your old homemade food out of the freezer. Put it outside in the sun and let it stew until liquified. Pour a bit in the vents on the front of the car. You could always spill wc water over it, in a year or two the car will go away on it's own, hehe. I also have access to pig turds if you need some. They can be sent Canada Post if packaged well.

Congrats on the new fence!!

andestang 10-30-2008 02:32 PM

Sometimes I have a jacka** park himself behind me, but I just slap him on the butt or send my dog at em and he moves :wink: . Stuff like that makes me really appreciate the country life. I hope this doesn't continue for you.

Delphinus 10-30-2008 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by hillbillyreefer (Post 356006)
They can be sent Canada Post if packaged well.

How interesting. It's almost as if you speak from experience. :lol:

kari 10-31-2008 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 356048)
How interesting. It's almost as if you speak from experience. :lol:

I get sh*t in the mail all the time.

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