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BCOrchidGuy 03-13-2003 11:03 PM

Send it to me, I can run it on my tank and take pictures for you, ... for a small price... ( Like.. its MINE)

Good job that does look awesome.

What did you use for the seals? The red stuff.

CHEAPREEF 03-15-2003 04:50 PM

Ok, couldn't get the good camera again so i took some witha POS. Anyway it gives the idea, just cleaned it about 2 hours before this shot. I'll take some more tomorrow to show the progress.


BCOrchidGuy 03-15-2003 05:20 PM

What are the Seals made out of? did they come as is or did you have to cut them?

CHEAPREEF 03-15-2003 05:50 PM

I can't remember the name of the stuff, it's silicone basicaly. Got it in a roll of about 3'x6' and cut them to size. It's 1/4" thick and seals very well, easy to cut and it was fee from a buddy. Apparently it's supposed to be extremly expensive, $200+ for the roll i got. :shock:


BCOrchidGuy 03-15-2003 05:55 PM

lol That figures, I like it.

I am going to build a unit, ... skimmer/Ca Reactor, two towers, I think I will just use O rings though.... I'm going to Home Depot today to get some ideas though, have to see.

CHEAPREEF 03-15-2003 06:00 PM

I have some extra rings cut, made them for a guy and turns out he didn't need them. If they are the right size you can have'em for shipping.


BCOrchidGuy 03-15-2003 09:31 PM

Thanks I will send you a PM when I need them.

Dale D 03-18-2003 05:53 PM

More ?'s :D

I can't see it in any of your pictures, but, what did you end up using for the air control valve on the beckett housing?

I just finished the injector housing for mine :D and now just have to find an air valve for it.

I guess it shouldn't matter if the valve is in the lid of the housing or in the side of the tube. I looked at a Bullet skimmer yesterday and I think it was in the lid.

Also I'm not sure if I am going to use an injector pipe in the first reaction chamber or the swirl injector design. The swirl design looks fancier. :oops: :D

CHEAPREEF 03-18-2003 08:51 PM

I ended up using a 3/8 ball valve from the beckett section at Revy, opps i mean Rona. 8) I put it in the lid as well that way it's not hangging in the way. I think the swirl idea would work jusrt as well, not sure if it looks fancier. Unless you think the white ABS plumbing is fancy. :drinking: :lol:


CHEAPREEF 03-24-2003 04:44 AM

Here are some "action" shots after being at AI for the last week. Very happy guy. :cool:


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