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MikeP 05-23-2007 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by SerLunchbox (Post 252796)
Nathan flew Peter away because Peter can only control one of his powers at a time.
And Sylar didn't have regeneration as an ability ... but again, he did have a freezing ability ... never knew he had it until the episode where he broke Hiro's sword. So I guess he MAY end up having some sort of healing ability.

I'm not so sure about the theory that Peter can only use one power at a time. In the episode set 5 years in the future he used more that one ability at once i.e. he used telekinesis while invisible when he was at the club with Niki. But maybe that’s something he learned to do over time. Perhaps the nuclear power took all his concentration since he was trying not to explode. And the freezing power was one of the first ones that Sylar got (remember the crime scene at Molly's house, her Dad was frozen).

MikeP 05-23-2007 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Snappy (Post 252800)
I think the show was due for cancelation but the outcry was big enough they decided to add volume two after the show's finally was already in play and they decided to kill a few of the heros. It will be interesting to see what they come up with for next year.

The show was never marked for cancellation. It was granted a full first season and an additional second season several months ago. I think that because it was in its first season and in the beginning no one knew how well it would do they didn't have that big of a budget, maybe that’s why we didn't see an awesome fight at the end. Now that the writers have some time before season 2 I bet it will be even better, I'm sure the budget is a bit bigger too.

michika 05-23-2007 03:12 PM

Either way, I'm going to be in withdrawl all summer long without anything good to watch!

krish 05-23-2007 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by RicePaddy (Post 252761)
I could swear that Clair can heal others. But maybe I am wrong.

You might be thinking of when Peter healed after he and Claire fell off the ledge. He healed because he absorbed her power not because she can heal others.

I agree with Nathan flying Peter into space seeming to be a dumb way to solve the problem. That's almost as much of a mystery as other intention mysteries. I hope they explain that one!

Midknight 05-23-2007 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef (Post 252739)
I selected "Liked it" only because there was no "Liked it, but with mixed feelings" category!

I have the same problems you do. Why didn't Peter himself just fly away? Why didn't Claire shoot him? Why did that stupid cop think he could kill Sylar? And if a cop with a gun couldn't scratch him, how's some tough chick weilding a parking meter able to beat the crap out of him?

All this said, I still loved it. How can you not?! I'm also looking forward to Volume II. But here's the REAL question! Sylar truly dead? For good?

Ok, I loved it and this is how I read it.

Why didn't Peter himself just fly away? - Was too busy trying not to blow up.
Why didn't Claire shoot him? - She liked him too much.:biggrin:
And if a cop with a gun couldn't scratch him, how's some tough chick weilding a parking meter able to beat the crap out of him? - She caught him unawair, parking meters don't make as much noise as a gun. :wink:
Is Sylar truly dead? - Remeber, there is someone worse than him. He cough have taken the body.
As for the Petrelli brothers - Peter will be alive. Not sure about Nathan.

Now about Linderman - Is he going to be able to heal himself? (If he put whats left of his mind to it.) :wink:


Originally Posted by michika (Post 252759)
Does anyone know if they will be re-airing the episodes from the beginning of the season, or will they be putting them out on DVD this summer?

DVD is to be release in Aug. And the Summer is going to be the stories about the first group of heros, Linderman, Peters dad, The Guy in the wheelchair and Herio's dad.

michika 05-23-2007 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Midknight (Post 252873)
Ok, I loved it and this is how I read it.
DVD is to be release in Aug. And the Summer is going to be the stories about the first group of heros, Linderman, Peters dad, The Guy in the wheelchair and Herio's dad.

When would the summer version be starting? I'm already in withdrawl since everything I watch has ended for the summer.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 05-23-2007 07:41 PM

Yeah, the few tv series I watch are: NCIS, Criminal Minds, Numbers, Law & Order(s), CSI (except the one I mostly catch seems to be Miami & I can't stand the lead actor, Mr. red-headed over-acting Clint Eastwood-wannabe) and Heroes.

michika 05-23-2007 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 252889)
Mr. red-headed over-acting Clint Eastwood-wannabe


Midknight 05-23-2007 08:15 PM

I agree on most shows but I just watch - Heros, House, Numbers & CSI sometimes NCIS :wink:

Midknight 05-23-2007 08:37 PM

Also who has been following the Heros comic on-line? It fills in a number of holes. :wink:

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