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digital-audiophile 05-02-2007 06:18 PM

She's along for the ride with me :) Historically I have bought livestock based on what she wants :)

Snappy 05-04-2007 01:55 PM

I don't need to lie although she very seldom asks anyway. She would rather not know. But then again I don't ask her how much a new outfit or pair of shoes cost either.:lol:

SeaHorse_Fanatic 05-04-2007 03:02 PM

My wife has visited enough petshops with me to know that alot of the corals & fish are expensive. She doesn't really ask anymore unless there's a fish she likes & wants me to add. Unfortunately, her choices are usually incompatible with my setups (porcupine puffer, jellyfish) or hard to keep alive for long periods of time (copperband butterfly).

Still, it's better to have her sorta interested than totally disinterested. BTW, it was her idea to get into sw tanks in the first place (I'd kept a couple of fowlrs in the 80s) after we got married.

She also knows I don't buy stuff unless its worth it (although our definition of "worth it" are different):biggrin:


untamed 05-05-2007 04:59 AM

I don't ask her how much her new shoes cost... It's a good relationship.

X-Treme 05-05-2007 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by DJKoop (Post 249950)
I'm lucky. The wife doesn't mind me spending all the free money I want on tank related items including livestock. She loves the hobby as well.

Where EXACTLY would one get some of this "free money"???????????

andresont 05-05-2007 06:43 AM

10 Years in hobby, my wife knows everything.
It was fun though to watch her happy face when i was selling the LR from my old 108 Gal before we moved.
She said wow !, you 've got so much money just for the rocks?!
Whait a minute....
How much did you pay in the first place !!!???

Bringing the other half to the fish store is good idea , works in the long run.
That way she knows and understands when there is nothing for two or three visits and then boom something shows up and "She makes a choice" of coral or fish, and it bocomes her favorite...
Rather then explaining youreself every time you bring something in the bag.
$ 20 story only works for the first year.

revgeoff 05-05-2007 03:54 PM

I like the don't ask don't tell idea. She knows how much these things cost but if she doesn't ask then the money wasn't really spent....right?....right?

Chin_Lee 05-05-2007 04:00 PM

one fish
i would only have one fish in my tanks if my wife knew how much they costed so for the sake of understanding and compromising.................... I lie.

kwirky 05-07-2007 03:35 AM

I've started telling her how much things cost instead of saying "it was only $10!". Thankfully for me she doesn't like math so she never really puts two and two together :mrgreen:

Quite scary though when she buys about $1000 in clothing in a single month and doesn't even realize she's spent more on clothes alone than her entire month's income. Her dad still pays off her credit card bills. Age 22, and she hasn't felt "economic stress" yet.

Lately if she gives me crap for spending money on the tank, I tell her at least it's not a $180 shirt that's only been worn twice in the past year :lol:. Most of my large tank purchases will be around for at least a year, if not five.

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