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muck 02-06-2007 02:17 PM

Hey Bill, that last pic of the side tank shot with the multiple locline returns looks sweet. Gives me ideas for my next tank.. :wink:

cprowler 03-19-2007 05:18 AM

fastfish 03-19-2007 07:16 AM

Nice! Your tank is doing very well.

woodcarver 03-19-2007 08:51 PM

That last shot is stunning . Great tank ,great photo !!

michika 03-22-2007 07:09 PM

Phenomenal thread! I love how the stand came out.

Can you do a close up shot of the control pannel?

cprowler 03-23-2007 12:20 AM

Thanks everyone!

Catherine - I have a few things off line right now and I'm changing a few things, I'll get a pic up before too long.

cprowler 05-11-2007 06:38 AM

Time for an update.

I haven't discussed lighting yet, I have MH, VHO, T5 and moonlighting.

I have a 250w MH 10K XM above the coral wall side and a 400w MH 10K XM abouve the Anemone, both driven by magnetic ballasts.

I also have 3 x 48" 110w and 1 x 36" 95w VHO Super Actinics run off a Ice cap 660

& 2 x 54w T5 (1-10k & 1-actinic) by Tek and 2 x 1w Blue LED by Aqualight

Giving me about 1185 watts of lighting. :mrgreen:

Here is the lighting schedule from the ACjr programming.

If Time > 09:30 Then VHO ON
If Time > 21:30 Then VHO OFF
If Time > 11:30 Then MHs ON
If Time > 19:30 Then MHs OFF
If Time > 10:30 Then T5s ON
If Time > 20:30 Then T5s OFF
If Temp > 79.9 Then EAN ON
If Temp < 79.0 Then EAN OFF
If Temp > 84.0 Then MHs OFF
If Time > 11:25 Then EXH ON
If Time > 20:00 Then EXH OFF

EAN is the fans in the unit.
EXH is the exhaust fan under the house that sucks out the hot air from the canopy.

VHO only

T5's only

VHO & T5's

MH's only

VHO & T5 & MH

cprowler 05-11-2007 06:39 AM

VHO only

T5's only

VHO & T5's

MH's only

VHO & T5 & MH

christyf5 05-11-2007 02:18 PM

Wow you've got a lot of lights crammed in there :wink:

Thats pretty impressive just looking at the photos of the T5's alone. The XM bulbs look pretty yellow without the supplementation. I tried some XM's earlier this year but unfortunately one was white and one was yellow.

The tank is looking great, I see a lot of new corals in there (and not many of the old). Did I miss something or did you redo the tank?

cprowler 05-11-2007 02:27 PM

Yeah, those pics were from last year. I still have most of the corals now they are just bigger and some are in different places. :biggrin: This is the most recent pic I have from last month, I'm going to get some more pics today hopefully.

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