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Coderad 08-30-2006 01:06 AM

I made the same impulse buy probable from the same place about 3 months ago. He took it back no problem. But he did still try and convince me it would be fine in my 30gal.

They sure are a cool looking fish though! (when they are young & small)

OCDP 08-30-2006 01:07 AM


They are very cool fish... very friendly and not timid at all.. at least mine is not at the moment. I can pretty much cradle him in my hand already... he's big ol' teddy bear.

untamed 08-30-2006 11:50 PM

Yes....they aren't even attractive when they get big. Then again...if they are good eating maybe I should consider getting a couple of them and raising them up! Pretty expensive seafood, but it would be fresh. Food for thought....

revgeoff 08-31-2006 03:29 AM

I know I have wasted hundreds of dollars on impulse buys waaaay back when I started this hobby (hopefully my wife doesn't see this). Last weekend I almost bought a Majestic angel. I had never seen one and thought "wow, look at that amazing colour...and it is swimming with corals". Luckily I looked it up when I got home. Seems like it would probably beat the tar out of my poor juvie Emperor and gobble up what little corals my beginning reef has.

My problem ( of them anyway) is whenever I go into a store I feel the need to bring something home. Luckily there are people like Wendel of OA who stops me from spending my money on things that I can't keep.

Xtasia 08-31-2006 03:42 PM

almost 2 years membership to canreef and still doing impulse buys...

Public service announcement or not... let's hope you never do this again.

medican 08-31-2006 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Xtasia
almost 2 years membership to canreef and still doing impulse buys...

Public service announcement or not... let's hope you never do this again.

OK DAD.........:)

After 2 years as a member @ canreef and still DON'T GET IT!!!!!!

Thanx Scott......
I think it serves as a reminder to ALL when we share our mistakes as well as our triumphs with out getting flack for it. After all I think that’s the best part of Canreef. I'm sure that all of us have made an impulse buy at one time or another (well maybe one hasn’t) I know I have.

Good on you dude

Xtasia 08-31-2006 11:59 PM

Dude, I wasn't saying *I* was the one doing Impulse buys.. I was observing that he had been a member of canreef for 2 years and was still doing so...

A good rules for anything you do.. let alone reefkeeping.

Arm yourself with knowledge before you buy anything.
It's on sale for a reason.
Buyer beware.
Get the bigger one....

Petcrazy 09-03-2006 01:36 AM

Um and if referring to would be ok mom...but let's not get technical...nor should we get nasty...

Impulse buying is bad, but we've all been victim to it at some point.

My thought is at least he was kind enough to the fish to send it back rather then keep it and go "Whatever it's just a fish" like some people I've met would have said.
(Mind you I would have given the sales clerk a word or two about letting those who have small tanks know this fish isn't for them rather then the fish being constantly purchased and returned)

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