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reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by daplatapus (Post 939309)
Holy cow dude, what a ton of work!!! But it looks great, congrats on the upgrade. My one suggestion is look into a Ca reactor and contemplate ditching the Ca and Alk dosing. With a tank that big and the inevitable growth of corals, you're going to tire of dosing pretty quick.

Thanks. It has been and will always be a ton of work.
Funny you say that. I had just sold my CA reactor a few months before upgrading. so far dosing has not been a real issue with the apex controlling certainly was less work when not having to mix up stuff and cheaper.

reefwithareefer 03-07-2015 12:03 AM

After the aquascaping is mainly done for now...

reefwithareefer 03-07-2015 12:06 AM

Looking from the end...

reefwithareefer 03-07-2015 12:07 AM

and the front side

reefwithareefer 03-21-2015 03:14 AM

So I sold my BK mini 180 to One_Divided today, which worked out pretty good, as I was able to buy Jasons BK 250 External.

My GAWD. I meet up with Jason in Aldergrove to swap the moola for the merch and he begins hauling out this piece of plastic that is as big as my house...Geesus, this thing is huge. Not what I was expecting at all.

I mean look at how impressed the Missus is! ;) Hmmm, I think that is a look if impression.....

This thing is probably able to be a carwash and skimmer. If it does not help improve my nutrient issue, I am selling the house and moving into the BK Hotel.

Anyways, off to set the new house up...Gawd how did I get into this hobby...ugh...

gregzz4 03-21-2015 03:31 AM

O..M..G.. that thing's huge :smile:
Hope your GF is accommodating your reef habit

Good luck fitting that monster into your sump

reefwithareefer 03-21-2015 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 941775)
O..M..G.. that thing's huge :smile:
Hope your GF is accommodating your reef habit

Good luck fitting that monster into your sump

I know, it is like stupid size. But it is meant for 400 gals...
As for the GF...I am not sure. her expression leaves me wondering WTF is going on with this "hobby".

Anyways BK bros sayin bye over a beer or

The 250 is up and runnin like a charm.

reefwithareefer 03-23-2015 06:44 PM

Another lesson learned the hard way...

When I first set up the sump room, I decided to use the DT bowfront stand to set the tanks on top off. I never gave it a second thought, that I may need it later on..I set one tank, half on and half off, as that is how everything fit.

So of course, i upgraded to a larger tank and in order to sell the bowfront and stand, I needed to get it out of the sump room. This required moving the sump/refugium tanks etc. A huge process...ugh!

Anyways to make a long story short, I started the move last weekend. Of course my lazy and cocky attitude came out when deciding to not empty the tank that was half on the black bowfront stand. I convinced myself that I could "wiggle" the stand from under the tank with no issues...

This is what happens when I get lazy and cocky

That big hole is where the little hole once housed my bulkhead...

reefwithareefer 03-23-2015 06:50 PM

Needless to say, this brought an onslaught of grief to my Saturday...
I did not bother taking pictures of the ensuing mayhem, being as I found myself rather busy admiring my new wavemaker and how useful it was to wash the floors with....

It was about the same time that the wife happened to come by to see how things were going. She was a little curious as to why I was washing the floor with so much water. Needless to say, I explained it all away by outright lying and pretending it was business as usual.

reefwithareefer 03-23-2015 06:51 PM

Thanks to all who answered my emergency request for a new tank...

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