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reefwars 06-26-2014 09:13 PM

this thread takes an interesting turn in the chemistry forum on RC for anyone who is interested in hearing both sides.

reefwars 06-26-2014 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Aqua-Digital (Post 904101)
I was going to reference to that, thanks for bringing that up. anyone wishing to post the link feel free.

I didn't want to post the link , I actually find all this interesting and I can see the arguments from both sides which makes it even more interesting :)

Aqua-Digital 06-26-2014 09:23 PM


A two part can be a "perfect" product (aside from salinity rising over time, as also happens with balling). It could be designed to exactly replace what is lost during calcification.:D
Yes this is true but 2 part give nothing to balance the system with. and thats the whole point that keeps being missed

Aqua-Digital 06-26-2014 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 904102)
I didn't want to post the link , I actually find all this interesting and I can see the arguments from both sides which makes it even more interesting :)

good point ;) I dont get dragged into arguments over there, my personal feeling its just peddling a belief not a science.

Aqua-Digital 06-26-2014 09:25 PM


what exactly Balling accomplishes that a high quality two part cannot.
again simple to answer - two part leaves an imbalance nothing to adhere the free sodium chloride to. 2 part cannot balance the system.

Aqua-Digital 06-26-2014 09:27 PM


He assumes two parts have no trace elements. They can and do. Whether they have more or less than the balling method depends on how it is made.
EXACTLY! Thats why you use Part C so you know what is being added you need and is balanced to what you need.

The "how its made" bit scares me the most with 2 part and comes back to the reason why TM is trusted, you know what you use in effect makes up natural sea water minus the salt. No concerns or guess work, this statement alone shoots two part slap center in the foot.

Aqua-Digital 06-26-2014 09:32 PM


How to Select a Calcium and Alkalinity Supplementation Scheme

from it:

The rise in salinity of these products over time can be very roughly calculated, though there are several reasons why this calculation is only an estimate. For every 1000 meq of alkalinity added in this fashion (and the matching amount of calcium) these products will deliver on the order of 60 grams of other ions to the tank. In a tank with a low calcification demand (defined later to be 18.3 thousand meq of alkalinity per year in a 100 gallon tank (50 meq/day)) this effect will raise the salinity by 3 ppt per year (compared to a normal salinity of S ~35). In a high demand tank (defined later to be 219 thousand meq of alkalinity per year in a 100 gallon tank (600 meq/day)), the salinity will rise by 35 ppt in a year, or approximately doubling the salinity. Consequently, the salinity should be monitored closely in using these types of additives, especially in a tank with high calcification rates.
again exactly right with two part, where as true balling the rise is not out of balance and easily adjusted by water changes, where as the rise in salinity in 2 part leaves an out of balance system,

Aqua-Digital 06-26-2014 09:37 PM

Nobody is stating true balling does not raise salinity of course it does, however it raises it no different to adding new "REEF" salt to your tank. where as 2 part raises it by only adding the sodium chloride to your system, or as stated above some unknown amount of missing or apparent elements.

Most 2 parts use bicarb and calcium from sources never designed to go near a fish tank, no way were these balanced with corals needs in mind.

Thats the difference.

2 and 3 part are not completely the wrong way to do it, thats not true, however they are just missing the final ingredient to do it in a way that stops any fall off in balanced trace elements.

mrhasan 06-26-2014 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Aqua-Digital (Post 904097)
Part C should equal the depletion rate of Part B of your system is balanced. Part B is sodium Chloride.

I beg to differ! As far as I know (if what's written on the package is true), part B is Sodium Bicarbonate. :biggrin:

Sorry couldn't help myself :redface: I will just slowly move away now :razz:

Aqua-Digital 06-26-2014 09:42 PM

LOL yes sorry bad typo ;) thanks for correcting that. My bad :redface: modified to save a reef central back lash ;)

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