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Jaws 05-28-2014 04:33 PM

You're not alone. lol

StirCrazy 05-29-2014 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Jaws (Post 898701)
Canopy then?

with no door probably :mrgreen:

Aquattro 05-29-2014 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy (Post 898895)
with no door probably :mrgreen:

I had a door. Ok, it was made from cardboard, but it was a door.

StirCrazy 05-29-2014 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Jaws (Post 898768)
Sounds like you're moving pretty fast. I thought tank builds were supposed to take upwards of two to three years???

no thats the average life span on one of Brads tanks befor its upgrade time. :mrgreen:

SeaHorse_Fanatic 05-29-2014 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Jaws (Post 898768)
Sounds like you're moving pretty fast. I thought tank builds were supposed to take upwards of two to three years???

Seen that with quite a few Canreef builds but I've always had mine up within weeks or a couple of months from conception.


Sorry the outbreak forced your hand but hope this new tank gives you the extra time and freedom to do stuff besides reefing with your family.


Aquattro 05-29-2014 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 898911)
Seen that with quite a few Canreef builds but I've always had mine up within weeks or a couple of months from conception.


Sorry the outbreak forced your hand but hope this new tank gives you the extra time and freedom to do stuff besides reefing with your family.


My builds typically take under 6 weeks. I don't have patience for messing around. This time I may actually finish my stand before I add the tank though :)
This new build will simply allow me to reach inside without a stool. It also cuts costs a bit and reduces humidity. I don't spend much time now, and anything I do with the tank generally involves Elise anyway, so lots of family time :)

Aquattro 06-03-2014 05:44 AM

non update update. Tank will be ready in about 2 weeks. Stand underway. Equipment all gathered.
50g sump
Zeo Reactor
Ca Reactor
ER RS180 Skimmer
2 wp40
2 Tunze little controllable guys
2 x 400w Radium in lumenarc reflectors
300w Heater
Quiet One 4000 return pump
Apex to control it all.

Lighting supplementation TBD (T5 actinic or LED strip?)

Going for open scape with large rocks, lots of tabling pieces.

Dez 06-03-2014 12:21 PM

Is your current tank Zeo? I didn't realize that it was zeo if it is.

Aquattro 06-03-2014 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Dez (Post 899970)
Is your current tank Zeo? I didn't realize that it was zeo if it is.

Sort of. I have a reactor with rocks of unknown age and I keep a bunch of blue bottles under the stand :)

However, I did start this tank using it and was able to fully stock it from day 1. Not sure if it helped, but didn't hurt, so figure since I have it, might has well use it.
Starting with mostly dead rock has me a bit concerned, so anything I can do to alleviate nutrient issues will make me feel better.

craigwmiller 06-03-2014 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 899971)
Sort of. I have a reactor with rocks of unknown age and I keep a bunch of blue bottles under the stand :)

Zeo by osmosis :)

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