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daplatapus 02-08-2015 01:19 AM

Awesome seeing water in that baby.

gregzz4 02-08-2015 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 934143)
Tried testing Alk with Salifert and came up with 9.3. Don't think I did it right and now I want a Hanna, lol.

Did you try using the reference in the kit ?
If you can get 6.7dkh with it then you'll know you're following their instructions correctly

WarDog 02-08-2015 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by daplatapus (Post 934336)
Awesome seeing water in that baby.

Thanks Dap, it's been a long road. Hopefully this time next year I will have figured out how to keep corals successfully.


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 934446)
Did you try using the reference in the kit ?
If you can get 6.7dkh with it then you'll know you're following their instructions correctly

Ahhhh nope. Guess I should do that eh? Stupid Noob!

gregzz4 02-08-2015 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 934458)
Stupid Noob!

Nope, just Noob :smile:
You're a Man, and we don't read instructions very well :boink:

WarDog 02-15-2015 02:33 AM

Tank is now 29 days old.

Still kinda boring, however, no2 and no3 are finally dropping over the past week.

no2 : 0.25 ppm
no3 : 25 ppm
ammonia still 0
po4 still 0.03 ppm
Alk : 6.8 (Thanks Greg for the tip)

Still need to pick up kits for Calcium and Mg. (or just mooch off my LFS just to upset Brad, lol)

Used up all of Rich's Miracle Skimate Cycle Accelerator.
Continuing to dose Zeo products as listed before.
Started dosing ZeoFood and then... BOOM!

It's alive! Not sure if it's diatoms or cyano (guessing diatoms), but either way I'll take it!

Added a fish today, really hoping the little guy will be ok. I was on the fence about adding him.
I'll get him a buddy once I'm confident with my chemistry.

Thanks for looking.

WarDog 02-15-2015 02:45 AM

...and a boring FTS as we are updating things.

gregzz4 02-15-2015 02:48 AM

Woohoo, your first critter :smile: (dead shrimps don't count)

Such a big change in your Alk from 9.3 to 6.8 ...

So ... are you gonna bring that up a tad ? It's close enough, but once you start adding corals that 6.8 doesn't leave you much room for it to dip low ...
And it helps keep your pH up don'cha know

That stuff on the sand looks to me to be diatoms, if I'm seeing it right
Welcome to the next cycle :biggrin:

Lovin' the sexy sump

Howie 02-15-2015 02:57 AM

Tank looks good so far. I'm at the lovely diatom stage myself right now. :D

Tn23 02-15-2015 02:58 AM

Wow Warren... that is a REALLY clean Sump. Wish I could rig something like that up!
Trade you some frags if you help me? :) LOL!

WarDog 02-15-2015 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 935730)
Woohoo, your first critter :smile: (dead shrimps don't count)

Such a big change in your Alk from 9.3 to 6.8 ...

So ... are you gonna bring that up a tad ? It's close enough, but once you start adding corals that 6.8 doesn't leave you much room for it to dip low ...
And it helps keep your pH up don'cha know

That stuff on the sand looks to me to be diatoms, if I'm seeing it right
Welcome to the next cycle :biggrin:

Lovin' the sexy sump

Thanks Greg!

Tank is going to stay fish only for a bit.
My first water change is coming up in 2 weeks, so I need to perfect my water change method. Want to do 25% every two weeks.
Secondly (depending on when I might pick up someone's birdsnest, cough, cough), I need to stock up on my bulk supplies and figure out how to use the Libra properly.
Still a huge learning curve for me buddy and I gots of take it slow ('cause I'm getting old and things take longer to sink in) lol.
pH is holding between 8.04 and 8.16.

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