lobsterboy |
10-22-2009 05:37 PM |
Originally Posted by Ryan
(Post 457043)
Those corals look good. If you dont mind me asking what was shipping? Is this a "pack" or did you buy these seperate?
all purchased seperatley from the oceanic corals. shipping was great, timely and well packed. no issues at all.
Originally Posted by lastlight
(Post 457065)
That green stylo is totally killer! How many different types of SPS do you have roughly? Looks like a BUNCH.
yeah, love the stylo, greens are DEEP. could be 50-60 difference types,ranging from 12inch arcoss to one inch frags.
Originally Posted by Myka
(Post 457079)
That's a stylo? It looks just like my "ORA green birdnest"...hmmm...
I'm pretty jealous about the Setosa. Yep, lotsa jealous. That unknown Acro from fooser is freakin cool too!! Do the polyps come out, or do they stay inside mostly?
the setosa is so insnae in person, pics cant justify.
foosers acro, is full of bushy polyps, i will need a frag of that one, hehehe.