gregzz4 |
01-05-2012 07:14 AM |
I just did an even 'stupider' thing ... and this probably should be in the lounge ...
I had the hole locations marked out with tape, drilled the first one, and took a break.
I started drilling the second one, and, thankfully, noticed it didn't look right :nono:
I scored the inside of the sump, but not enough to worry about, right where the bubble trap goes :frusty:
I only went in about 1/16", so I'm just going to ignore it and possibly put a plate over it on the inside. But now it won't be really clean looking Grrr
At least it's on the inside
Not that I need a :hug:, but I wanted everything perfect
Crap, this is going to eat at me
Well, I guess it's no worse than other things the rest of us have done.
Like I said, at least I can save the sump.