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Madreefer 01-13-2015 04:56 AM

Cool sculpture. Will it need something to hold up that left side?

kien 01-13-2015 05:08 AM

whoa! That is cool and crazy ! Can't wait to see that submersed in water! :biggrin:

WarDog 01-13-2015 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by Bblinks (Post 930152)
Looks good Warren! I think it's very unique and it will make an interesting piece. Keep up the great work!


Originally Posted by kien (Post 930159)
whoa! That is cool and crazy ! Can't wait to see that submersed in water! :biggrin:

Unique and crazy is what I've been aiming for, Thanks!

WarDog 01-13-2015 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by Madreefer (Post 930158)
Cool sculpture. Will it need something to hold up that left side?

Preliminary air tunnel tests show that it might, that is maybe, possibly, hopefully stand up on its own. Kinda. :noidea: Lol.
May have to add more to the right side for balance.

lastlight 01-13-2015 06:49 AM

epoxy the acrylic base to the glass you will never need to worry (unless you like to move your scape around... then you'll be hooped). great looking piece you made.

The Guy 01-13-2015 01:56 PM

I wouldn't epoxy it down your sand should hold it in place I would say, nice job Warren!

Reef Pilot 01-13-2015 01:57 PM


WarDog 01-13-2015 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 930159)
Can't wait to see that submersed in water! :biggrin:

Kien, I just figured out you were being sarcastic there! You cheeky monkey!

Frankly yeah, I'm pretty sick and tired of playing with rockwork now. Screw it. This piece does stand up on its own, so that's it. Time for water. Firing up the RODI.

Any more changes will just have to be made underwater.

kien 01-13-2015 10:31 PM

Actually I wasn't being sarcastic at all. I really do want to see that structure underwater. It's going to look cool. Then add fish swimming in and among the branches and it's going to be quite something to behold! Love those branches.

WarDog 01-14-2015 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 930326)
Actually I wasn't being sarcastic at all.

Just goes to prove that tone cannot be interpreted over the interweb. Opps Kien, my bad.

For all of you, including myself, who thought this build would never see water, I am pleased to post this pic!

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