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The Grizz 12-22-2011 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by nanomano (Post 663477)
lol at least its not rats ;) I also caught my cat too! :lol: took me 2 hours to clean the sticky trap off of her with canola oil


We were over run in the house this fall but after setting a handful of good old snap traps with a little PB & a piece of dog food we got them all. I think we trapped 15 in a few days, have not seen one since. The shop is another matter, they seem to be able to sqeeze in under the overhead door at the cornor, then there every where. Snap traps going in the office tomorrow because the wife said I can't use my .22 to hunt them down :twised:

SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-22-2011 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 663475)
I hate MICE!! Little ba$tard$ chewed up some wires in my printer and that's why it crapped out :frusty:

Hate both mice and rats. When I worked at a petshop back in the 80s, I had one of my favourite customers ask if she could go in the back room where we kept the rodents and I told her go ahead while I was helping a couple of other customers. She then dropped big momma rat (probably a good couple of pounds and well over a foot long with that tail) down the back of my shirt. It took all of my self-control NOT to splat the rat against the wall by jumping into the wall back-first. (Especially when the rat smacked me with its tail as it was diving down into my shirt). Eventually the customer got the rat out, but let's just say I no longer considered her one of my fav. customers (no matter how cute she was). Yuck. Rats!!!! Hate them.


The Grizz 12-22-2011 04:53 AM

Rats would be easier to shot, there about the size of the damn chimpmunks that are nesting in the soffit of my shop, there going to ASAP ( box of ammo in hand ):twised:

troni 12-22-2011 04:56 AM

delivering pizzas will support my tanks

lastlight 12-22-2011 05:02 AM

Eating pizza has supported my flanks.

ensquire 12-22-2011 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 663497)
Eating pizza has supported my flanks.


lockrookie 12-22-2011 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 663491)
Rats would be easier to shot, there about the size of the damn chimpmunks that are nesting in the soffit of my shop, there going to ASAP ( box of ammo in hand ):twised:

use a potato gun destroys them and nest but less holes in shop...we used to destroy crows nest with one

The Grizz 12-22-2011 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 663500)
use a potato gun destroys them and nest but less holes in shop...we used to destroy crows nest with one

But you only get one shot at a time, I get 7 with the clip in the .22 :twised:

lockrookie 12-22-2011 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 663503)
But you only get one shot at a time, I get 7 with the clip in the .22 :twised:

i should lend you my dads ruger 22.. semi auto with 50 shot clip lol

Nano 12-22-2011 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by nanomano (Post 663477)
lol at least its not rats ;) but I hate mice too! we had one in our apartment, cause we're on the outside of town, and live on the ground floor, and we had some sticky traps behind the dryer where it was hanging out, and I got IT! needless to say (this is the best part) I also caught my cat too! :lol: took me 2 hours to clean the sticky trap off of her with canola oil

Speak of the devil. I get home, and this is what I see... What a useless animal, no wonder she got stuck in the trap :pound: I still love her though.. damn cat
Seriously what Kind of cat sits like this? :lol:

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