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lastlight 02-26-2013 01:35 AM

I welcome laughs, thread jacking you name it glass you're enjoying it lol.


Originally Posted by Stones (Post 796749)
I'm a bit confused by the means in which you stuck the rock to the glass.

I put silicone on the rock, then a thin circle of putty then more silicone. Similar to what crabs did but I added silicone between rock and putty. So far so good!


Originally Posted by Zoaelite (Post 796763)
I did a quick online search but couldn't source it for the 93, if its 3/8" your good to go but ifs its 1/2" your MP10s won't work.

I did my homework and made sure the tank was 3/8 before ordering it :)

Btw this is my last tank :)

Coralgurl 02-26-2013 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 796799)
I welcome laughs, thread jacking you name it glass you're enjoying it lol.

Btw this is my last tank :)

I see a bet in those words......any takers??

Great job on the rock wall, you've got some great pieces there!

Parker 02-26-2013 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 796799)

Btw this is my last tank :)

You sit on a throne of Lies!!

Pan 02-26-2013 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 796620)
Before I mounted my rock background I attached these anchors underneath my overflow box. These will stabilize the rock work which is going to cantilever out a fair bit I think. They're large enough to fish a few long zip ties through them. An additional anchor will likely be place at the foot of the rock tower to keep the bottom from sliding around.

A little bit of insurance until I have sand in.

Man that freaks me out...looks cracked....

lastlight 02-26-2013 01:32 PM

Yeah moving the tank across the stand leaves black marks from the trim. I'm going to have to paint around the tank once it's in position to make it look nice again.

Pan 02-26-2013 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 796925)
Yeah moving the tank across the stand leaves black marks from the trim. I'm going to have to paint around the tank once it's in position to make it look nice again.

Marks..okay :)

I just thought it looked cracked.....glad it isn't and what are your planes for the wall?

fishoholic 02-26-2013 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 796274)
Can we start a pool for when it will be shutdown? Or is it too soon to make jokes like that?

Er, I mean, nice new tank, and stuff! Enjoy the ride..

(PS. I call June/July BTW ........ (too soon?) )



Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 796625)
Your level of patience and persistence never ceases to amaze me. That looks like a jig saw puzzle from hell which you nailed by the way.

Agreed the rock looks awesome


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 796799)

Btw this is my last tank :)

Famous last words! I think for some reason I've heard them before :razz:

JDigital 02-26-2013 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 796799)
Btw this is my last tank :)

hahahaahahaahahaahaaahaahahahaahahaaa....... *breathe*... hahaahahahaahahahaahahahahaahahahaahahahahahaahaah aahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Carry on. :razz:

kien 02-26-2013 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 796799)
..Btw this is my last tank :)

everybody calm the frak down! It was simply a typo on brett's part. What he meant to type was, "this is my lastlight tank". That is all. Now carry on.

Lance 02-26-2013 06:49 PM

Nice job Brett. Not a big fan of rock walls but I must say I like this one. Now if we can just get you to leave the damn tank long enough to grow a little coralline!

lastlight 02-26-2013 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Lance (Post 797007)
Nice job Brett. Not a big fan of rock walls but I must say I like this one. Now if we can just get you to leave the damn tank long enough to grow a little coralline!

I dunno it's cool and all but I'm starting to get a little tired of it...

No I actually am *trying* to mean it this time. When I get this thing wet I'll maybe get a little ticker in my sig to track it's age and start taking bets :mrgreen:

JDigital 02-26-2013 09:48 PM

There's no doubt you'll get it wet... all your tanks have... it's a question of whether a line ends up dashing through that 93... :lol:

BTW, I have NO idea where you are thinking of putting your MP10's.. It's baffling to say the least. /sarcasm.

lastlight 02-26-2013 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 797061)
BTW, I have NO idea where you are thinking of putting your MP10's.. It's baffling to say the least. /sarcasm.

I might have to put'em where the viewing holes are currently :razz:

lastlight 02-28-2013 01:59 PM

after drilling and defacing the new tank i thought i'd better fill it with water to make sure it holds the stuff lol. filled it last night and then had to head out for a few hours which always seems to happen when i fill these things :neutral:

woke up today and we're still full to the top and all my rock work is still solidly attached. my hoodie is actually still laying in the tank pinned to the bottom just in case there's a few that let go but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

with water in the tank you simply cannot see the rocks at any angle you want to thanks to diffraction etc. so i'm not planning on filling the tiny little nooks and crannies i don't think and will instead try and work on the main rock tower this weekend. :biggrin:

Delphinus 03-02-2013 07:14 AM

So I just logged on tonight and saw a thread "93g for sale" I thought geeeeeeze, but then clicked it and saw it was a different tank. So, um.. yeah. Carry on...

lastlight 03-02-2013 01:08 PM

I'm guessing you're still a bit chafed I let someone else drill my holes tony? It was a choice born of convenience bro please don't take it personally. I still have faith in you and your tool. Please can we move on?

Leah 03-02-2013 03:41 PM

Maybe she is wishing about now.... that it was hookers and blow. :biggrin:
And maybe show a bit more restraint. :wink:

lastlight 03-04-2013 02:25 AM

it's not hookers and blow but here's my finished tower =) layout of the boulders on the ground may change but the primary structure is DONE. Hands are RAW from drilling and handling the rocks for so dang long.

and an awesome vertically shot phone video. ugly but it gives you a better idea...

reefwars 03-04-2013 02:32 AM

looks awesome brett man , the way you have your structure made is going to allow the fish alot of swimming room , i went for a similiar style and notice the fish swim circles around it all day .....they wouldnt get that in a typical walled reef:)


kien 03-04-2013 03:21 AM

That turned out really good. I approve.

fishoholic 03-04-2013 01:35 PM

Very nice, I vote for when you get sick of this tank you sell it to me :mrgreen:

lastlight 03-04-2013 02:49 PM

Thx guys.


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 798749)
Very nice, I vote for when you get sick of this tank you sell it to me :mrgreen:

I'm not parting out this time!

Here's a few more shots I took before applying epoxy and lifting the structure into the tank.

Big thanks to Kien for supplying the acrylic rods and direction!

sphelps 03-04-2013 03:30 PM

I see you also enjoy converting living spaces into tank construction zones and well as ruining perfectly good pliers. Nice work on the rock tree thing, do you have a plan to prevent yourself from knocking it over once it's full of nice sps growth?

lastlight 03-04-2013 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 798777)
I see you also enjoy converting living spaces into tank construction zones and well as ruining perfectly good pliers. Nice work on the rock tree thing, do you have a plan to prevent yourself from knocking it over once it's full of nice sps growth?

Yeah those have been my reefing pliers for a few years now lol. and the construction zone worked pretty well. i could sweep water back into the circulating rock bin as it fell on the operating table and re-submerge pieces once they were drilled.

The top overhang is drilling and there are tripled-up zip ties connecting it to the glass anchors i attached to the underside of the overflow box. The structure is very stable actually.

kien 03-04-2013 04:03 PM

despite my best efforts to clean and dry the tools that I used for my rock work they all ended up in the garbage anyway. All rusted and beat up.

Great top down shot. It's hard to really get a sense for depth and aspect with structures like these in 2D images.

lastlight 03-04-2013 04:12 PM

Thanks. yeah before i use these pliers or my old wire cutters which are now reef zip tie cutters i open/close them for a few minutes under running water then paper towel them to minimize rusty juices lol. both were good quality to begin with and still work well enough after 6+ years of sorta mostly reefing.

Madmak 03-04-2013 04:27 PM

Looking good!

Delphinus 03-04-2013 05:12 PM

I do the same thing with my tools .. it's sort of the ritual for using them "one more time."

Rockwork looks good!

lastlight 03-04-2013 05:17 PM

Thing I never mentioned though is I don't have a good pair of pliers or wire cutters. They're still my everyday ones as well lol. So far so good though you do need to hit the sweet spot with those cutters or it's no dice.

fishytime 03-04-2013 06:13 PM

Dats some pretty funky lookin rockscape there mang!

sphelps 03-04-2013 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 798815)
Thing I never mentioned though is I don't have a good pair of pliers or wire cutters. They're still my everyday ones as well lol. So far so good though you do need to hit the sweet spot with those cutters or it's no dice.

I have several of each but all seized shut :lol:

fishytime 03-04-2013 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 798749)
Very nice, I vote for when you get sick of this tank you sell it to me :mrgreen:

:nono: we don't need ANOTHER tank!

kien 03-04-2013 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 798859)
:nono: we don't need ANOTHER tank!

who are you and what have you done with Doug?!?!?

lastlight 03-04-2013 08:09 PM

My thread just got double-douged! Sweet!

Lance 03-04-2013 10:05 PM

Nice job on the rockwork. Me like.
Isn't drilling rock fun? I always have to wear goggles or risk getting live rock goo in the eyes. :lol:

fishoholic 03-05-2013 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 798760)
I'm not parting out this time!

Famous last words!


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 798859)
:nono: we don't need ANOTHER tank!

True. Just been thinking about downsizing the 2 230g and 80g to a 90g ish cube. Not sure I have it in me to say goodbye to my big fish though, even though financially it makes sense :neutral:

JDigital 03-05-2013 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 798835)
Dats some pretty funky lookin rockscape there mang!

:photo:... This is a rare sighting folks! Don't make any sudden movements or you may scare this elusive creature away....

Your rock structure looks good Brett.. looks like lots of work.

lastlight 03-05-2013 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 799005)
True. Just been thinking about downsizing the 2 230g and 80g to a 90g ish cube. Not sure I have it in me to say goodbye to my big fish though, even though financially it makes sense :neutral:

Look you two can argue that one over on the couch tonight or something. It's not going to be *this* tank Doug don't worry bro I got your back like that =)


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 799033)
Your rock structure looks good Brett.. looks like lots of work.

Thanks Josh. Not the most natural looking scape by a longshot but I am so excited to populate it with my corals. Hands down my favorite scape I've managed to come up with. I love viewing it from the top right now. only have two small Tunze in there to keep the rock happy so it's quite calm on the surface and easy to see everything. and yeah it was a ton of work and only involved a handful of holes to be drilled.

I'm about to do some serious hand exfoliating. Got me 50 lbs of Caribsea Seaflor to scrub and rinse before it goes in :biggrin:

lastlight 03-16-2013 03:43 AM

let there be light!
i always dread drilling my ceiling. lots of prep work to ensure something hangs level not to mention in the right spot. i measured 10 times and hung once. i was very lucky to find a joist an inch off from dead centre over the tank so my strip of wood on the ceiling is barely wider than the mitras.

This thing disappears above the tank since my living room has next to no lighting in it other than some dim lamps. The manual was missing from the box but I have had time to just manual tweak the channels.

Currently have blue, royal blue, cool white and hyper violet at 100%. Red 30%, Hyper Red 20%, Green 40% and Yellow 10%. It's very bright and the overal look has more blue than my somewhat flat looking Kessil.

There is definitely colour banding but easily the least noticeable of the LEDs I've seen. The photos also show a pattern like I have strips of light blocking material running in parallel rows above the tank but it doesn't look like that in person and I just quickly snapped these.

Excited to mess around with these more. Love the small size of the unit and the big light it throws everywhere. I easily got light to even all the spots on my rear wall but I was blinding my wife on the couch at that point. Had to move it back to about 7" off the water's surface.

gregzz4 03-16-2013 03:47 AM

I like it Brett. The rock wall gives it some nice depth in the front view

Where's the Orange-back ... I don't see him in the pics :rolleyes:

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