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fishytime 08-14-2012 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Flash (Post 737224)
i have some acan frags and 3 maxi mini's to sell!! i"ll be there

Yes + 1..... Tell me more too:wink:

BlueWorldAquatic 08-17-2012 11:07 PM

I'm pleased to announce that Steve (Red Coral Edmonton) & Harvy (Marine Aquaria) have shown interest in showing up for the FragFest.

There are also 2 other LFS showing interest, but not sure if I can announce them until I talk to the Canreef Staff.

Reef Wholesale has also shown interest.

Thanks for reminding me of the weather Steve, it was only 4 hours of bad weather, in 3 years. So there! :razz:

Still l


RedCoralEdmonton 08-17-2012 11:39 PM

Bahaha ill bring the tent again just in case!

But yes Red Coral Edmonton will be attending!... I havent missed one fragfest since its inception, I dont plan on it now!

As always we will bring a bunch of juicy stuff!


BlueWorldAquatic 08-17-2012 11:43 PM

I have a backup plan too..


the night before even was perferct, damn Alberta weather

Rusty dog 08-20-2012 05:34 PM

I'll be there with frags

The Grizz 08-20-2012 07:49 PM

I will be there for sure might even have a truck full of tanks and some gear for sale.

Flash 08-20-2012 08:20 PM

if I don't sell my tank I might bring it so people can see it in person!

as for the maxi's

1. gold
2. maroon wth green trim
3. green with some yellow

really they change under the lights! Acan frags, should have about 15-20 to sell!

marblesab 08-21-2012 04:12 PM

If anyone needs help moving anything, or if you need a truck, just let me know. My hubby will be coming with me and I am volunteering him and/or our truck (LOL he does know that I am volunteering him) to help!

JmeJReefer 08-21-2012 05:46 PM


BlueWorldAquatic 08-23-2012 04:28 PM

Less than 2.5 weeks remaining.

Still working on vendors for door prizes.

I have a local hobbiest wanting to donate the following for one of our draws:

2 polyps of tyree spacemonsters
5 polyps of fruitloops zoa
2 polyps of nuclear green palythoas
2 polyps of red people eaters
5 polyps of magician palys
10+ polyps of watermelon zoas

he/she wants to remain anonoymous, but I think anyone wanting to help out should get all the credit they deserve.


reefwars 08-23-2012 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 739498)

I have a local hobbiest wanting to donate the following for one of our draws:

2 polyps of tyree spacemonsters
5 polyps of fruitloops zoa
2 polyps of nuclear green palythoas
2 polyps of red people eaters
5 polyps of magician palys
10+ polyps of watermelon zoas

that is a sexy list:)

BlueWorldAquatic 08-23-2012 04:59 PM

List confirmed from one of my suppliers for September 3rd arrival

Black Hole Paly
Blue Eyed Blondes Zoa
Devil's Breath
Emeralds on Fire Zoas
Mohawk Paly
Mean Red Zoas
Sour apple zoa
Mean Green Zoas
Pink Elephant Paly
Nebula Paly
Watermelon Zoanthid Colony
PPE Paly
Purple Fusion Paly
Pink/Teal Paly
Tubs Blue Zoa
Purple Heart Paly
Xmen Paly
Fire & Ice Zoas

Aussie Maroon Acan
Pink Aussie Acan
Aussie Teal Rim Acan
Red Aussie Acan
Teal Eye Acan
Aussie Red Eye Acan
Teal and Red Aussie Acan
Teal Stripe Aussie Acan
Aussie Bloody Mary Acan!
Aussie Hulk Acan
Red / Teal Stripe Aussie Acan
Purple Teal Acan
White Line Acan
Blue/Purple Aussie Acan
Sparkle Acan

Acropora Granulosa
Red Planet
Purple Hairy Acro
Blue Ice Acropora Digitifera
Red Millepora
Tri-color Acropora Natalensis
Rainbow Millepora
FAL Tricolor Prostrata!
Blue Tip Acropora Secale
Red Polyp Digitata
Dual Color Tenius
Teal Table Acropora
Blue Eye Acropora digitifera
Acropora Plana
Blue Tip Tenius
Purple Tip Acropora Natalensis
Aussie Pocillopora
Pink Panter Montipora
Red Polyp Table Acro
Blue Polyp Echinata
Purple Bonsai
Red Polyp Green Acro
Blue Tip Acro
Red Rainbow

reefwars 08-23-2012 05:17 PM

Black Hole Paly
Blue Eyed Blondes Zoa
Devil's Breath
Emeralds on Fire Zoas
Mohawk Paly
Mean Red Zoas
Sour apple zoa
Mean Green Zoas
Pink Elephant Paly
Nebula Paly
Watermelon Zoanthid Colony
PPE Paly
Purple Fusion Paly
Pink/Teal Paly
Tubs Blue Zoa
Purple Heart Paly
Xmen Paly
Fire & Ice Zoas

that is an incredible list im gonnna to be there before it start to get those ppe's lol:P:P:P

Proteus 08-23-2012 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 739509)
List confirmed from one of my suppliers for August 3rd arrival

Black Hole Paly
Blue Eyed Blondes Zoa
Devil's Breath
Emeralds on Fire Zoas
Mohawk Paly
Mean Red Zoas
Sour apple zoa
Mean Green Zoas
Pink Elephant Paly
Nebula Paly
Watermelon Zoanthid Colony
PPE Paly
Purple Fusion Paly
Pink/Teal Paly
Tubs Blue Zoa
Purple Heart Paly
Xmen Paly
Fire & Ice Zoas

Aussie Maroon Acan
Pink Aussie Acan
Aussie Teal Rim Acan
Red Aussie Acan
Teal Eye Acan
Aussie Red Eye Acan
Teal and Red Aussie Acan
Teal Stripe Aussie Acan
Aussie Bloody Mary Acan!
Aussie Hulk Acan
Red / Teal Stripe Aussie Acan
Purple Teal Acan
White Line Acan
Blue/Purple Aussie Acan
Sparkle Acan

Acropora Granulosa
Red Planet
Purple Hairy Acro
Blue Ice Acropora Digitifera
Red Millepora
Tri-color Acropora Natalensis
Rainbow Millepora
FAL Tricolor Prostrata!
Blue Tip Acropora Secale
Red Polyp Digitata
Dual Color Tenius
Teal Table Acropora
Blue Eye Acropora digitifera
Acropora Plana
Blue Tip Tenius
Purple Tip Acropora Natalensis
Aussie Pocillopora
Pink Panter Montipora
Red Polyp Table Acro
Blue Polyp Echinata
Purple Bonsai
Red Polyp Green Acro
Blue Tip Acro
Red Rainbow


SeaHorse_Fanatic 08-23-2012 05:44 PM

I think you meant September 3, since its already August 23 today:biggrin:

BlueWorldAquatic 08-23-2012 10:08 PM

My bad, thanks Taylor for fixing it

ensquire 08-24-2012 02:12 AM

DAMMMMMM looks like a plane ride to Edmonton....

Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 739509)
List confirmed from one of my suppliers for September 3rd arrival

Black Hole Paly
Blue Eyed Blondes Zoa
Devil's Breath
Emeralds on Fire Zoas
Mohawk Paly
Mean Red Zoas
Sour apple zoa
Mean Green Zoas
Pink Elephant Paly
Nebula Paly
Watermelon Zoanthid Colony
PPE Paly
Purple Fusion Paly
Pink/Teal Paly
Tubs Blue Zoa
Purple Heart Paly
Xmen Paly
Fire & Ice Zoas

Aussie Maroon Acan
Pink Aussie Acan
Aussie Teal Rim Acan
Red Aussie Acan
Teal Eye Acan
Aussie Red Eye Acan
Teal and Red Aussie Acan
Teal Stripe Aussie Acan
Aussie Bloody Mary Acan!
Aussie Hulk Acan
Red / Teal Stripe Aussie Acan
Purple Teal Acan
White Line Acan
Blue/Purple Aussie Acan
Sparkle Acan

Acropora Granulosa
Red Planet
Purple Hairy Acro
Blue Ice Acropora Digitifera
Red Millepora
Tri-color Acropora Natalensis
Rainbow Millepora
FAL Tricolor Prostrata!
Blue Tip Acropora Secale
Red Polyp Digitata
Dual Color Tenius
Teal Table Acropora
Blue Eye Acropora digitifera
Acropora Plana
Blue Tip Tenius
Purple Tip Acropora Natalensis
Aussie Pocillopora
Pink Panter Montipora
Red Polyp Table Acro
Blue Polyp Echinata
Purple Bonsai
Red Polyp Green Acro
Blue Tip Acro
Red Rainbow

BlueWorldAquatic 08-24-2012 02:41 AM

cheap enough nowadays Mike. Family shopping trip?

Jeff000 08-24-2012 11:51 AM

How are you controlling the sale of these frags this year?

I was one of the first ones there last year but never got the pieces I wanted, despite people arriving after me getting some.

Adread 08-24-2012 02:43 PM

I'm hoping I can get some blue eyed blondes and ppe or xmen palys.

Sounds like things are tough to get though...

ensquire 08-24-2012 03:11 PM

Mikey shopping trip !!! Family stays home. On Vancouver Island right now wondering how I can go to the Naniamo Fragfest and keep things alive for a couple of days LOL


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 739669)
cheap enough nowadays Mike. Family shopping trip?

BlueWorldAquatic 08-25-2012 01:45 PM

no email mike.

15 days to go! woohoo!

reefwars 08-25-2012 01:47 PM

im excited and cant wait, im trying to get a group of us to go from calgary :P

reefwars 08-25-2012 01:48 PM

hey ken do you have a kijjii ad for fragfest?? would help bring alot of newcomers to your store for the fest:P

BlueWorldAquatic 08-25-2012 03:37 PM

Never really thought of it.

I'll do so right now. doh!

A Newfie schooling me.... Must be getting old

Remember, we are accepting donations for the food bank also from now to the FragFest.


ensquire 08-27-2012 02:44 PM

PM sent

Adread 08-27-2012 03:18 PM

Don't forget to help fill up the food box at the store. If you're heading in for something before frag fest just through some non parishables into a bag and take them with you. An easy way to help people out.

triggereef 08-28-2012 09:50 PM

12 More days guys!!! :bounce:

dc4 08-29-2012 06:19 AM

Are there styro boxes for out of towners?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2

ALang 08-29-2012 02:52 PM

Depending on my erratic schedule, I maybe bringing more mushrooms, ricordias, pompom xenias, green and pink hammers, toadstool leathers, and a few nice SPS frags.

How many tables will you be needing, Ken??

ponokareefer 08-29-2012 08:49 PM

Looks like I will be able to make it this year. I'll be bringing some gorg frag's and an old 27 gallon tank. If anyone has a brightly colored carpet anemone, I'd love to grab it.

BlueWorldAquatic 08-30-2012 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by ponokareefer (Post 741102)
Looks like I will be able to make it this year. I'll be bringing some gorg frag's and an old 27 gallon tank. If anyone has a brightly colored carpet anemone, I'd love to grab it.

What color? I have 1 last order for corals befor FF4 for corals

ponokareefer 08-30-2012 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 741330)
What color? I have 1 last order for corals befor FF4 for corals

Unless you can get a blue or red one for the price of a green, a green one. :biggrin:

BlueWorldAquatic 09-01-2012 03:23 PM

I would love to sell blues and reds for a price of a green.

I'll see what I can do though, as always.

8 days till FF4, so much to do still, and taking a few days off didn't help.

Well, actually it did, now more relaxed, and stress out much more now.


The Grizz 09-01-2012 03:31 PM

Don't stress out to much Ken, it will go off without a hitch as usual.

BlueWorldAquatic 09-01-2012 03:37 PM

except for a summer wind storm that last 3 hours :sad:

Always fun to host the event, nicer that the other LFS are showing interest now.

The Grizz 09-01-2012 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 741850)
except for a summer wind storm that last 3 hours :sad:

Always fun to host the event, nicer that the other LFS are showing interest now.

I think that is very cool to have other store joining in, show that support for each other is not dead & it not all about who's better.

ponokareefer 09-01-2012 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 741843)
I would love to sell blues and reds for a price of a green.

I'll see what I can do though, as always.

8 days till FF4, so much to do still, and taking a few days off didn't help.

Well, actually it did, now more relaxed, and stress out much more now.


Thanks Ken.

BlueWorldAquatic 09-02-2012 05:53 PM

1 week left.

Please remember a donation for the Edmonton Food Bank.

ensquire 09-02-2012 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 742200)
1 week left.

Please remember a donation for the Edmonton Food Bank.

Can I make a phone donation?

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