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Borderjumper 01-30-2012 03:27 AM

Ha ha!! Too cute! I hear they multiply almost as fast as aptasia.. So beware:mrgreen:

Nano 01-30-2012 03:28 AM

HAHAHA too cute

lockrookie 01-30-2012 03:36 AM

hehe was wifes idea as long as they dont leak i should be ok..

lockrookie 02-02-2012 05:26 AM

im torn if i should do a refugium or not in my sump or outside of sump. or to even bother at all i know its helpedmy 50... decitions decitions

lockrookie 02-05-2012 11:01 PM

so i finished my recycled aquarium sump project using 3 33g tanks and 1 10g tank i had laying around. i still have to drill for the auto top off but will do that after all is running to get the perfect height. as well drill the overflow drain holes all in all i think it turned out alright will do a water test later tonight and then pack it all away untill read for set up. i also added the trim on top to ruduce getting sliced.

Coralgurl 02-05-2012 11:16 PM

Nicely done!! Fuge in tank was a good decision!!

Reef Pilot 02-05-2012 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 679064)
i also added the trim on top to ruduce getting sliced.

Where did you get your trim from?

lockrookie 02-05-2012 11:56 PM

from the 33g tanks i took apart to make the sump i didnt wreck them and spliced them together.

lockrookie 02-06-2012 05:07 AM

leak test complete i can sleep a bit better tonight lol ok i lie.

lockrookie 02-06-2012 05:08 AM

next project tear apart and rebuild the 180

lockrookie 02-12-2012 05:09 AM

i had to do it i had to try out my new halide light fixture on the 90 and in glad i did. the 2 70w halides are very cool i like the color from them so much that i left them on longer tonight just to day dream what they will look like on the 180. yes i need to get out more.

regretfully im not entirely fond of the color of the 150w bulbs they seem a bit yellow they say 15k on them but im unsure if its my eyes playing tricks or the algea floating in the water lol. (i have to work on that issue) so i ordered some 20k bulbs from ebay and we will see how it goes. over all i love the fixture but i may have to add some t5's to the mix just to be sure there are no dead spots in the lighting. will take pics so i have a comparison when the new bulbs arrive.

scubadawg 02-12-2012 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 664963)
so if i did euro brace im thinking i wont need bracing where the overflow is due to the overflow in itselfis some what bracing the tank.. i could be wrong in this so your ideas are welcomed

If your replacing the large sheet of glass, then have a look at this thread.

I am having Neil notch the glass of my tank, and putting black acrylic inside and building an outside coast to coast overflow box. I will be doing an beananimal overflow. This way you don't lose any space in the aquarium, and you have a super quiet overflow

I'm doing my first reef tank, 187 gallon with a 75 gallon sump.

lockrookie 02-12-2012 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by scubadawg (Post 681363)
If your replacing the large sheet of glass, then have a look at this thread.

I am having Neil notch the glass of my tank, and putting black acrylic inside and building an outside coast to coast overflow box. I will be doing an beananimal overflow. This way you don't lose any space in the aquarium, and you have a super quiet overflow

I'm doing my first reef tank, 187 gallon with a 75 gallon sump.

i would love to have an external overflow it would make my life so much easier but in my case the tank has to sit up against the wall so all plumbing must be internal on this tank. i am going the eurobrace way. with a notch near the overflow for easier access to it if needed. as far as losing space if i do this right you wont even notice the space is lost it will just look like a planned rock sculpture:)

i wish i had artistic skill to put whats in my brain on paper but im not that special

good luck with your build i will be watching it. for me its the build thats exciting.. i will check out your links as well thanks for offering. if you want an interesting read check out my 50g build thread in my signature and you will see a glimps to the dirction i am taking.

lockrookie 02-16-2012 11:38 PM

well my ebay bulbs arrived today and i switched out the 15k for the 20k bulbs and now im happy with the color and cant wait to see the lights over the 180....

on that note i hate glass companies in regina no one wants to cut my eurobracing or i should say thier supliers dont want to cut my bracing. so now i have contemplate the next step..

lockrookie 02-21-2012 10:34 PM

so ive priced out glass at a fewplaces and as someone suggested glacier glass....well no...
prices ive gotten from a couple other places just for main 23 1/2 x 72 where 195.00 and 175.00. for the 3" by 72 was 33.00 and 25.00 per piece

now glaciers cost 463.00 for the 23 1\2 x 72 and 400.00 for the 3" x 72 all made from 1/2 glass

i think glacier is out of the running lol so.. moral of the story dontbuy glass from glacier lol

Coralgurl 02-22-2012 01:22 AM

That's a huge price difference! Hope you told them where to go! :mrgreen:

lockrookie 02-22-2012 02:29 AM

oh yes i showed them my other quotes and said told them they are on drugs too huge of a difference hell at that cost i woulda just bought a custom tank lol

The Grizz 02-22-2012 02:51 AM

I could probably get the euro brace stripes cut here for you & send them on the hound to you.

lockrookie 02-22-2012 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 685087)
I could probably get the euro brace stripes cut here for you & send them on the hound to you.

wow amazing offer greg thank you if i end up with no luck here i may take you up on that. its so frustrating knowing its been done but when you live in a crap city like regina our ppl know nothing lol. my wife says that you have to send a puppy as well lol. ive been showing her all this pics .. my first mistake.

The Grizz 02-22-2012 03:21 AM

If I can get a tank & euro strips up to Yellowknife I am sure I can get euro's to you but I don't think a pup would be to happy getting stuffed in the box to :lol:

lockrookie 02-22-2012 03:31 AM

she says put holes in the box.. my wife is a huge dog lover and would love to have a full set of labs a great dane and wellone of everything. i have a couple more places to try in town. before i givee up here in mud hole sask. the only piece's i need are the 2 72" lengths. the tank already has the 2 end ones i can trim to fit.

jorjef 02-22-2012 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 685090)
wow amazing offer greg thank you if i end up with no luck here i may take you up on that. its so frustrating knowing its been done but when you live in a crap city like regina our ppl know nothing lol. my wife says that you have to send a puppy as well lol. ive been showing her all this pics .. my first mistake.

Am I missing something? the braces can be cut for either $25.00 or $33.00 right? Don't trash the city, so not cool.

lockrookie 02-22-2012 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 685094)
Am I missing something? the braces can be cut for either $25.00 or $33.00 right? Don't trash the city, so not cool.

yes thats what i was quoted but then they turn around and say thier supplier refuses to cut the braces due to the thickness of glass. thus saying yes this is the cost tease tease but you cant have it. sucker.. its really frustrating. i can get the big sheet no problem.. but noone wants to cut the bracing.

yet tanks are being built with thinner glass as filler. and tank builders seem to be able to do it

jorjef 02-22-2012 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 685098)
yes thats what i was quoted but then they turn around and say thier supplier refuses to cut the braces due to the thickness of glass. thus saying yes this is the cost tease tease but you cant have it. sucker.. its really frustrating. i can get the big sheet no problem.. but noone wants to cut the bracing.

yet tanks are being built with thinner glass as filler. and tank builders seem to be able to do it

Did you ask them for 3/8"

lockrookie 02-22-2012 03:50 AM

12mm aka 1/2" whats there now

jorjef 02-22-2012 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 685100)
12mm aka 1/2" whats there now

What a 72" brace, the tank glass, or the little pcs. of Euro on the ends of the tank? regardless of your answer 3/8 would solve your problem if they will cut it.

The Grizz 02-22-2012 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 685093)
she says put holes in the box.. my wife is a huge dog lover

If I wasn't so busy I would drive out there with a K9 :biggrin:

lockrookie 02-22-2012 04:04 AM

the brace is a piece of glass 3" or 4" whide 1/2 thick 72" long siliconed length wise along the topof tank to suport the tank for flex so it doentpop under pressure rather than a brace across the tank in the middle that hinders getting to tank and working inside the tank. i can show you what i mean tomorrow if you like. i already have teh two short pieces just need the long ones

ensquire 02-22-2012 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 685091)
If I can get a tank & euro strips up to Yellowknife I am sure I can get euro's to you but I don't think a pup would be to happy getting stuffed in the box to :lol:

I'll vouch for his crate making abilities and expediting skills.:thumb:

jorjef 02-22-2012 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 685105)
the brace is a piece of glass 3" or 4" whide 1/2 thick 72" long siliconed length wise along the topof tank to suport the tank for flex so it doentpop under pressure rather than a brace across the tank in the middle that hinders getting to tank and working inside the tank. i can show you what i mean tomorrow if you like. i already have teh two short pieces just need the long ones

Ya I know that, i was asking what was 1/2"...... the tank, the end euro pcs. or the 72" euro (that was the smart ass part of the question I know there wasn't a 72" brace on the tank) Why won't 3/8 glass work?

lockrookie 02-22-2012 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 685103)
If I wasn't so busy I would drive out there with a K9 :biggrin:

its ok lol our lab would have issues with us bringing home another pup he still blames us for bringing home our sheppard collie cross.. giving us the look ever so often saying "she is so stupid what where you thinking". a very opinionated dog. he is 11 now and to intruduce a hyper pup he would hate us forever.


Originally Posted by ensquire (Post 685106)
I'll vouch for his crate making abilities and expediting skills.:thumb:

i have been following your build and was very impressed with the crate

lockrookie 02-22-2012 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 685107)
Ya I know that, i was asking what was 1/2"...... the tank, the end euro pcs. or the 72" euro (that was the smart ass part of the question I know there wasn't a 72" brace on the tank) Why won't 3/8 glass work?

two thin and would crack under pressure in reality i should use 5/8 for piece of mind but 1/2 should do the trick.

jorjef 02-22-2012 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 685110)
two thin and would crack under pressure in reality i should use 5/8 for piece of mind but 1/2 should do the trick.

Tell Pam I want to know why she hasn't suffocated you with a pillow yet! lol:lol: Later.

lockrookie 02-22-2012 04:22 AM

some days she would like to but i remind her this ugrade was her idea.....

lockrookie 02-27-2012 01:52 PM

it is official i cannot get euro bracing in regina... i will be ordering the front pane and deciding the bracing later.

lockrookie 02-27-2012 03:21 PM

i swear it has to be a monday .. kruse glass called back. and they found a supplier that will do it. omg im in a great mood now lol

FINALLY !!! i can start this build. glass will be here around march 12


ensquire 02-27-2012 06:01 PM

Right on , Sucks having to wait for parts or equipment that isn't available locally.
Watching this one.

lockrookie 02-27-2012 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by ensquire (Post 687091)
Right on , Sucks having to wait for parts or equipment that isn't available locally.
Watching this one.

yes it is rough next order is for my bulkheads and drill bits now that ive decided what i want and how i want it. and more dry rock for the rockwalls. as well as my 2 powerheads for flow to build into the rockwork. its going to be fun

Coralgurl 02-27-2012 08:04 PM

It's a great day! Can't wait to see what you've come up with for this one!

lockrookie 02-27-2012 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 687119)
It's a great day! Can't wait to see what you've come up with for this one!

neither can i. i still havent told myself all i need to know. leaving myself in the dark adds to the excitement. hehe. i see it doesnt mean its going to work as my brain envisions it. there will be changes on the fly.

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