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Bob I 01-30-2004 03:06 AM

1200, how miniscule. :biggrin: Speaking of the WW Thing. It was modelled after the WW11 type 82 Kuebelwagen (I use the ue because I don't have an umlaut on my keyboard., or Bucket car, which was built by VW.

I once had an original 1961 Beetle, 1100CC I believe. I also had a 1973 Super Beetle rebuilt by my brother with the engine rebuilt in Bonner's Ferry by a VW engine specialist. I also had a 1974 camper van. :biggrin: :mrgreen:

Delphinus 01-30-2004 04:57 AM

Did your 61 have a crash box tranny?

I think I'm partial to the oval window beetles. I believe '57 was the last year for ovals. Very nice.

I always get a kick out of reading the specs for those old beetles. 35hp! Whoohoo!!! :mrgreen:

I once had a chance to buy a '57 karmann ghia (hardtop). It was an amazing deal. I think the guy wanted $3500, it was in a barn just outside Calgary. Everything perfectly original and nearly mint (a few rough edges but really quite amazing for original). Only thing that had been done to it was it had been converted from 6v to 12v. I had to pass on it; something like that really deserves a garage, unfortunately at the time I had no garage. (Soon that will change :mrgreen: )


Originally Posted by Bob_I
Speaking of the WW Thing. It was modelled after the WW11 type 82 Kuebelwagen (I use the ue because I don't have an umlaut on my keyboard., or Bucket car, which was built by VW.

You don't need one (on your keyboard that is). If you use alt char codes you can make do. See: --> Kübelwagen.

What you do is you hold down your alt key, and while doing so, type in (on your keypad) the number 129. Alt-129 gives you the umlaut.

Here is a page of other alt char codes....

Namscam 01-30-2004 05:04 AM

How nice ...This was once a reefing forum and now its turned into a cars(particularly VW) forum.

Delphinus 01-30-2004 05:15 AM

This thread seemed to be good for going off on an irrelevant tangent to pad up post counts. :eek: I was just keepin' the streak alive. :biggrin:

I'm not allowed to talk about VW's??? :redface: I won't anymore, sorry. But then you have to figure out a different (irrelevant) tangent to go off on that you can use to pad YOUR post count :razz: :wink: :mrgreen:

Aquattro 01-30-2004 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by Delphinus
I'm not allowed to talk about VW's??? :redface: I won't anymore, sorry.

Good. BTW, what type did you have? I had 2 bugs, damn heaters never worked. :rolleyes:

Delphinus 01-30-2004 05:19 AM

I've only had Rabbits and Passats (and I wish it was only the heater that didn't work). Oh, I guess there was a Golf GTI in there once for about a year. :rolleyes: With air-cooled I can talk the talk but I don't walk the walk.

christyf5 01-30-2004 05:21 AM

Actually the reefing forum was at the top of the other page. You must have missed it :wink:

And keeping on track with the aquarium related things in the lounge, ever seen a car turned into an aquarium?? I think it may have even been a volkswagen. I can't find the link tho. Dang.

Quinn 01-30-2004 05:22 AM

I have a Jetta. The heater is great, you can probably heat soup with it. The car has been good to me, although I had to get a new battery today.

I had a teacher in high school who drove his Thing to work.

Delphinus 01-30-2004 05:23 AM

I'm guessing one would need a LOT of silicone to seal the doors and stuff!!

Quinn 01-30-2004 05:25 AM

Maybe a project for monster garage...

christyf5 01-30-2004 05:25 AM

ooh I am smrt!

Delphinus 01-30-2004 05:28 AM

"I beat the smart kids, I beat the smart kids ... <trip> Aw, I bit my wookie."

christyf5 01-30-2004 05:29 AM

"My doctor said my nose wouldn't bleed so much if I just kept my finger outta there"

EmilyB 01-30-2004 05:33 AM

You guys must really need be so inane and all..... :rolleyes: :razz:

Canadian Man 01-30-2004 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by teevee
Maybe a project for monster garage...

Or one for CAN MAN! :rolleyes:

christyf5 01-30-2004 05:58 AM

Woohoo! If anyone can do it, its you Jon! :cool:

Canadian Man 01-30-2004 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by christyf5
Woohoo! If anyone can do it, its you Jon! :cool:

:rainbowa: :onfire: :angel: :bday: :lilangel:

christyf5 01-30-2004 06:00 AM

1200!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Canadian Man 01-30-2004 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by christyf5
1200!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

:razz: 2379 :lol: :rolleyes: :lol: :rolleyes:

UnderWorldAquatics 01-30-2004 06:33 AM

Im a VW fan too, love the real beetles 69 and older,, preferably 57 ovals and earlier... Also do the water cooled VW's, right now I have a 92 16V Gti, soon for sale, I imported a 88 VW syncro(AWD) golf from eroupe about 6 months ago, was going to fix it up real nice, but I finally found a car I have been looking for for a long time, 72 datsun 510 wagon, to go with the 70 datsun 510 2 door race car, the wagon is mint, now Im hacking it up and turning it into a hot rod, so now I am regretably selling the syncro golf... what a fun car in the snow...!!! we never got the syncro golf in north america so there is about less than a dozen in all of north america, very cool car!

LostMind 01-30-2004 07:40 AM

you imported that? what did shipping cost you!?

Namscam 01-30-2004 08:38 AM

aww man at this rate...I think I should join the race...Dont worry i ll catch up to you guys soon..I ve been here for like what 2 months and already got 200 post...thats like 100 a month..not bad..but after this thread I might just skyrocket to you guys :biggrin:

Bob I 01-30-2004 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by reef_raf

Originally Posted by Delphinus
I'm not allowed to talk about VW's??? :redface: I won't anymore, sorry.

Good. BTW, what type did you have? I had 2 bugs, damn heaters never worked. :rolleyes:

Heaters :question: what heaters :question: Maybe you had a gas heater :question: Those were notoriously finicky :rolleyes:

Aquattro 01-30-2004 04:14 PM

MAybe that's why they didn't work :eek:

Bob I 01-30-2004 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by EmilyB
You guys must really need be so inane and all..... :rolleyes: :razz:

Ahh this from the inventor of the totally inane posts. :razz: :mrgreen:

BCOrchidGuy 01-30-2004 04:27 PM

One of my dubs had a gas heater, I think it was a 72, it was like firing up a blow torch around your knees. As for the manifold heaters, yeah, they were bad but did anyone ever price out replacing them to get the heat??? Heck they would have cost more than I paid for any of my bugs. I often wondered though if I put an oil cooler inside the car, like in the back window or the storage/speaker box area, and put a fan on it would that keep the car warm in the cooler months... no control on it though but it was an idea.
The ovals were amazing looking cars, the split ovals.. to die for. I saw the body mod kits to turn your bug into a classic and I saw a couple cars that had them installed. Looked real good when it was done right. Anyway, dubs were a riot, cheap for parts, easy to put a new engine in, bad heaters and back seats were blooming tiny...:wink:


UnderWorldAquatics 01-30-2004 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by LostMind
you imported that? what did shipping cost you!?

shipping and all the "extra" fees that I would not have incured buying a "normal" car ended up costing close to $3000canadian in the end, well worth it, too bad I need to sell it.... :frown:
there are probably less than 6 of them in all of north america

StirCrazy 01-30-2004 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Bob_I

Originally Posted by EmilyB
You guys must really need be so inane and all..... :rolleyes: :razz:

Ahh this from the inventor of the totally inane posts. :razz: :mrgreen:

alright you two, enuf od the $4.00 words that I have to look up in the dictonary :mrgreen:


Delphinus 01-30-2004 10:06 PM

Stop the inanity!!!

(Oh, the humanity .....)

kuatto 01-30-2004 11:04 PM

Ah Ha!! now I see how you guys get the high post counts :razz: :mrgreen:

Aquattro 01-30-2004 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by kuatto
Ah Ha!! now I see how you guys get the high post counts :razz: :mrgreen:


Doug 01-31-2004 01:46 PM

I will not participate in this.

oop, guess I just did. :lol:

Aquattro 01-31-2004 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Doug Lowey
I will not participate in this.

oop, guess I just did. :lol:

Don't get suckered into this Doug. It's a bad thing...

StirCrazy 01-31-2004 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by reef_raf

Originally Posted by Doug Lowey
I will not participate in this.

oop, guess I just did. :lol:

Don't get suckered into this Doug. It's a bad thing...

Brad should know :rolleyes: :mrgreen:


Quinn 01-31-2004 07:00 PM

Weren't some people badgering me the other day for suggesting a reward system for post quantity (and it wasn't the reward that I cared about, just having a cheesy tagline under my name)? :rolleyes:

BCOrchidGuy 01-31-2004 07:11 PM

It wasn't me Quinn... (points a finger)...

I'm just here for the food..


Doug 01-31-2004 09:59 PM

and of course this thread has such a wonderful heading. Now on its 6th. page.

I can imagine the readers having a look to see whats so important. :lol:

Aquattro 01-31-2004 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Doug Lowey
and of course this thread has such a wonderful heading. Now on its 6th. page.

I can imagine the readers having a look to see whats so important. :lol:

What WAS this about anyway :question:

Bob I 01-31-2004 10:27 PM

Is it not amazing :question: It started with Asmodeus reaching the lofty plateau of 400 posts :eek: :rolleyes:

BCOrchidGuy 02-01-2004 01:11 AM

**** I got a new Tank******
Specs to follow....
anyone want to buy some kids?

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