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globaldesigns 12-30-2010 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by iansfishy (Post 511291)
Amen, but dont complain on canreef, its all happy, happy time here!

HEHE, now that is funny... Tread lightly or the Canreefers will linch you!

globaldesigns 12-30-2010 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 511379)
Funny thing is we use "gallons" and "inches" still commonly in the aquarium world.


Great point.... My new pet peeve, we are Canadian, so lets do this properly.

My Display tank is 152.4cm X 66cm X 66cm = 681.374120 Litres

Wow, that took me 5 minutes to figure out, googling conversion tools.

Mrfish55 12-30-2010 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by globaldesigns (Post 577339)
Great point.... My new pet peeve, we are Canadian, so lets do this properly.

My Display tank is 152.4cm X 66cm X 66cm = 681.374120 Litres

Wow, that took me 5 minutes to figure out, googling conversion tools.

Holy schmoly, I have over 6000 liters of salt water in my house! Metric makes it sound like so much more.

ALang 12-30-2010 09:19 PM

Mine has got to be: soaking and then scraping those nasty algae off the power heads. I soaked mine in vinegar for two days, and still scrubbed until my fingers have no skin left.

The other is algae growth in my tanks. And my "algae eating" tangs, blennies, angels won't touch them. My mexican turba snails do a great job, only on certain spots. It's just like they are saving some for future use or something!

Cost of the light bulbs that we have to replace at least once every 10 months or so.

And there are great stuffs for sale by Canreefers that's always too far for me to get to, and always when I don't have to cash to buy them!

I'm sure that I can think of more, but that's for another day...

no_bs 12-30-2010 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Reef_surfer (Post 511287)
Buying equipment from second hand and they say "new,mint condition, nothing wrong" only to get home and it doesnt work i.e pumps not working, heaters failing, sumps,tanks cracking leaking.

if its broke, advertise it or throw it away

I know its always a risk though just a pet peeve


Originally Posted by chwkreefer (Post 511253)
I hate it when I make a deal to purchase some corals or frags from a seller and then they decide to sell them to someone else irregardless of the fact that the seller and myself had already made a verbal purchase agreement which includes specific coral(s), price and arrangements for pick up including the day for pick up.

These 2 quotes say it well

cuz 12-31-2010 04:01 AM

gonna get flamed but oh well......oversized signatures!!!


globaldesigns 12-31-2010 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by cuz (Post 577520)
gonna get flamed but oh well......oversized signatures!!!


Nah REALLY!!!, this isn't that big

Just teasing you :lol:

Zoaelite 12-31-2010 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by chwkreefer (Post 511253)
I hate it when I make a deal to purchase some corals or frags from a seller and then they decide to sell them to someone else irregardless of the fact that the seller and myself had already made a verbal purchase agreement which includes specific coral(s), price and arrangements for pick up including the day for pick up.

People who use redundant terms haha jk :lol:.

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