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spikehs 03-19-2010 02:19 PM

Haven't had a big enough tank yet. From what I have read people are having more success in keeping them now (still not great)

and the powder blue tang... tank size again.

fiorano 03-19-2010 05:00 PM

I really want a golden dwarf moray eel but ive been holding out till i can justify the 200 dollars for one ha ha. and i also wanted a mants for the longest time. But i finally got one awhile ago :)

whatcaneyedo 03-26-2010 05:15 AM

I almost forgot about Rhinopias frondosa the weedy scorpionfish... $500 at J&L right now. Cool fish that I have rarely ever seen. I know someone on here has one but thats just too expensive for me.

wayner 05-02-2010 05:21 AM

My Favourite fish - maybe one day

Centropyge resplendens

Fishgirl 05-05-2010 10:30 PM

Mine would be a Moordish Idle - don't want to attempt to keep such beauty if I know the chances of it staying alive are very slim, IMO better left alone in the wild or to someone that can keep it.

And the other a coral beauty - for some reason I have NEVER had luck at keeping this beautiful fish, every one i have bought has died. I have tried about 5x and said to heck with it. No more coral beauties for me. lol.

zum14 05-10-2010 01:57 AM

Sharks and Rays. Can't convince the wife to let me dig up the backyard.......yet.....:biggrin: Oh that and the orange spot filefish.

ponokareefer 05-10-2010 02:29 AM

Mine would be the emporer angelfish. I need a bigger tank, and my clams would not be happy, so probably will never happen.

MikeInToronto 05-10-2010 03:59 PM

I just wanted to comment on some of the "$200 is too expensive" posts. It is a lot of money but if you qualify it by considering it is only 4-5 corals that you'll probably kill anyway :mrgreen:, or maybe some fish, it's easier to stomach.
If my dream fish as only $200 I would buy it. I spent a lot of money on an animal for my tank once. I had a lot of trouble justifying it but then I decided to just sell some of my other livestock. It felt like I wasn't using "real money" to buy it but in truth, it was all real.

Has anyone noticed some Americans spend a lot of money on some of their fihes and corals? Sorry but I'm not spending $100 for a single zoathid polyp; I don't care if it will grow to 5 in a year. I don't think there would be many dopes out there like me who would pay for my surplus. We don't seem to do that here.

zeddy 05-11-2010 01:16 AM

i would like the lightning maroon clown fish that is on the homepage of bluezooaquatics right now

Hotpants 01-09-2011 12:15 AM

Ive always wanted a pair of Blonde Naso Tangs.

Skimmerking 01-09-2011 01:31 AM

powder blue
powder Brown

now this is cool

may be i should order 3yellows
a Achilles
powder brown
powder blue

cale262 01-09-2011 01:54 AM


One day I'll have the tank for one, just not ready yet...

jassz 01-09-2011 04:24 AM

I would get another reticulated puffer. I had one for awhile, but alas he died. He was such a personable fish. Had a real relationship going with my dog. They would sit and stare at each other for hours. I mean, I can understand my dog staring at him (he looked just like the dog's favorite tennis ball :lol:), but the fish would actually come and sit at the glass in front of the dog. That part I could never figure out. I miss that fish. We both do. :cry:

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