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Thanhk87 10-21-2019 11:37 PM

I only use salifert. If its that big of a difference i think its just human error and not the test itself.
Personally with my 10 month old 25 lagoon things are just starting to survive. With a smaller tank its best to wait it out before adding anything. I found that the only thing that really do well is softies and anemone, the rest just slowly die out. But then again i never have any luck with LPS.

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Llorgon 10-22-2019 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Thanhk87 (Post 1038886)
I only use salifert. If its that big of a difference i think its just human error and not the test itself.
Personally with my 10 month old 25 lagoon things are just starting to survive. With a smaller tank its best to wait it out before adding anything. I found that the only thing that really do well is softies and anemone, the rest just slowly die out. But then again i never have any luck with LPS.

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I was thinking user error as well, but I did each test twice on the weekend and twice the weekend before. Got the same results. All I can think of is needing fresh reagent for the Hanna checker.

I won't be adding things very soon. Need to get what I have healthy first. It's nice to know I'm not the only one having troubles with a smaller tank.

Have pictures of your tank?

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Llorgon 10-28-2019 12:00 AM

Today was water change and testing day. Tank is looking pretty ugly. Lots of cyano on the sand and rocks.

I picked up a mini gravel vac, worked great to clean up the sand a bit.

Don't have much of a positive update on the corals, unfortunately. So far I have lost my 3 sps corals, my largest acan and a green toadstool.

My remaining 2 acans are doing alright. One likes to be all closed up one day and happy the next. The other always seems fine. Still struggling with my frogspawn and the Kenya tree seems to be loving things... At least something grows for me.

Fish are happy and doing well.

Since I lost all my sps I have decided to make this tank a LPS focused tank. I figured they are a little easier and I could use some coral wins to build off of for when I can set my 75 gallon up again.

I changed the light settings on the radion to the coral labs LPS/soft setting at 30% brightness.

If anyone has any advice on a successful LPS tank I am open to hearing it!

Tank Params are
Salinity: 1.026
Temp: 78
pH: 7.8
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 5
Phosphate: 0.021
Alkalinity: 9.6
Calcium: 435
Magnesium: 1380

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Llorgon 10-29-2019 08:51 PM

I dropped the brightness on the radion down to 20% this morning. Starting to see the frogspawn open up a bit more. Hopefully it continues!

Thanhk87 10-30-2019 12:48 AM

That some nice looking scape

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Llorgon 10-30-2019 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Thanhk87 (Post 1039034)
That some nice looking scape

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Thanks. Didn't quite turn out how I originally envisioned, but I like it so far.

With the recent cyano covering the sand I have moved my photo period from 12 hours to 10.

Two heads of the frogspawn we're opening up a little bit today. Hopefully the rest will follow. Looks like lowering the brightness might help after all.

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Thanhk87 10-30-2019 04:41 AM

If there is an Acclimation option in your light setting turn it on. It usually last for 30days. And it start at 50% on your original setting.

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Llorgon 10-31-2019 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by Thanhk87 (Post 1039040)
If there is an Acclimation option in your light setting turn it on. It usually last for 30days. And it start at 50% on your original setting.

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I used that when I first put the corals in. Since moving it down to 20% brightness I figured I wouldn't need to use it.

My original acclimation was set to 4 weeks.

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Llorgon 10-31-2019 03:36 PM

Happy Halloween everyone!

Spent last night carving pumpkins. It's been awhile since I had done that. Forgot how long it takes to scoop all the guys out of a decent sized pumpkin!

Yesterday while searching for my algae scraper I found a bottle of vibrant. Decided to dose a bit of it. Unfortunately this was during lunch and I immediately got distracted by work and left the open bottle by the tank. And guess what one of the cats does? He stretches up to see what is going on and it's enough to knock the bottle over. So overdosed vibrant a bit yesterday...

The tank was cloudy, but no harm done. I did do a 5 gal water change.

Below are the pumpkins, overdosed vibrant tank and the offending cat.

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Dash 10-31-2019 08:32 PM

I thought my cat would at least show some interest in my tank, unlike the husband & kid, but no. He has completely ignored it. Sigh...
Sometimes I hold the dog up to the glass but his eyesight is almost completely gone now.

Llorgon 10-31-2019 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Dash (Post 1039055)
I thought my cat would at least show some interest in my tank, unlike the husband & kid, but no. He has completely ignored it. Sigh...
Sometimes I hold the dog up to the glass but his eyesight is almost completely gone now.

Both our cats find interest in the tanks. It would make it much easier if they just ignored it.

Llorgon 11-01-2019 03:30 AM

Took a few more pictures of the tank. The lps setting on the radios seems very blue to me. Maybe it's just me though.

Acans are doing well as is the Kenya tree. At least something likes my tank!

The frogspawn has a few heads that are doing a little better. Hoping it continues.

The mushrooms I have are very small. About half the size they were in the 75 gallon. Again doesn't seem to matter where I move them.

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Llorgon 11-03-2019 03:46 PM

I have upped the flow of the mp10 to about 70% on reef crest seems to have taken care of the cyano I had on the sand. Still some left here and there on the rocks though.

I also removed all the dead coral while doing my weekly water change. On the plus side while removing the dead coral I found that there was a tiny piece of the bird'snest still alive! It's a very tiny piece, but it's something. So I broke off the live piece and kept that.

My water does seem slightly cloudy lately. I am wondering if it's because of the accidental vibrant overdose earlier in the week.

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Llorgon 11-03-2019 11:20 PM

Tested tank params today

Tank Params are

Salinity: 1.026

Temp: 78

pH: 7.8

Ammonia: 0

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 5

Phosphate: 0.031

Alkalinity: 9.6

Calcium: 450

Magnesium: 1340

Mag and Cal have gone in opposite directions this week. Might be my testing error. Sometimes it's hard to tell when those salifert tests have started to change.

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Llorgon 11-04-2019 10:45 PM

Tank has been looking better today. Water is less cloudy and the frogspawn is looking a little bit better.

On some less good news, looks like I will be moving again in December... So that means taking the tank and moving everything again. At least it's only 25 minutes away this time.

bauder1986 11-06-2019 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Llorgon (Post 1039105)
Tank has been looking better today. Water is less cloudy and the frogspawn is looking a little bit better.

On some less good news, looks like I will be moving again in December... So that means taking the tank and moving everything again. At least it's only 25 minutes away this time.

Maybe on this move you should plan to move the tank from the old place to the new place in the fastest way possible. Basically Rubbermaid containers to house all your livestock Rock and water. And some extra hands to help you carry it all really quick into the vehicle that should be heated. Get it out of the house quick and into the new one and set up just as quick.

Llorgon 11-06-2019 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by bauder1986 (Post 1039160)
Maybe on this move you should plan to move the tank from the old place to the new place in the fastest way possible. Basically Rubbermaid containers to house all your livestock Rock and water. And some extra hands to help you carry it all really quick into the vehicle that should be heated. Get it out of the house quick and into the new one and set up just as quick.

That's the plan. Door to door it's about 25 minutes highway. Less if I drive fast and it hasn't snowed yet.

Fish in one bucket, coral in a few containers and rocks in another bucket. Bring some fresh saltwater and take everything over in one shot.

I may have to move the tank on moving day, but I think it will only take an hour at most to tear down and probably less to setup. I think everything should be ok.

At least I can setup my 75 gallon sooner now.

Llorgon 11-09-2019 02:15 AM

Not much to update on with the tank. It's basically on holding to keep everything steady until we move again. Mostly been dealing with our problem tenant and hoping she moves when she said she was going to.

Frogspawn is doing better, but still have 2 heads not opening. Others are opening, but not to the same extent that they were in the 75 gal.

Kenya tree is loving life and the 2 mushrooms are still half the size of what they were in the 75 gallon. Acans seem to be happy as well.

I finally managed to get a picture of the teeny tiny piece of forest fire digi that survived.

Fish are all happy and eating!

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Llorgon 11-11-2019 11:39 PM

Did my weekly water change and water testing. I got a big increase in phosphates this week. I'm not entirely sure why. Everything else is pretty stable.

Tank Params are
Salinity: 1.026
Temp: 78
pH: 7.8
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 5
Phosphate: 0.092 up from 0.031 last week.
Alkalinity: 9.6
Calcium: 450
Magnesium: 1350

Tried to take more pictures. They always come out so blue! Anyone have tips on taking decent pics of the tank with a Nexus 6?

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Llorgon 11-20-2019 02:58 AM

Anyways, not a whole lot to update on the tank. Things have been pretty steady. Most of the frogspawn is opening daily. The Kenya tree is growing and has dropped some branches that have found a home of their own in the tank. The acans look to be doing well. The little finger nail sized piece of forest fire digi that survived the move is showing some growth!

I am having trouble with my 2 mushrooms. They are tiny and looking worse every day. I'm not sure what the issue is. I have them at the bottom of the tank in a lower flow area. Maybe still too much flow?

Fish are all doing well and eating. I'm seeing some pods on the glass and the algae in the tank is going from brown to green so I think that's good?

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Llorgon 11-23-2019 11:12 PM

Today is water testing and water change day!

Overall the tank is looking pretty good. Although a little empty of coral. Acans and Kenya tree are doing well. Most of the frogspawn heads are always open. I have lost on head though :( the mushrooms seem to be melting and I'm not entirely sure why.

The most exciting thing is the forest fire is growing and I can see green at the tip! In the 75 gallon the green would always fade away.

Tank Params are

Salinity: 1.026
Temp: 78
pH: 7.8
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 10
Phosphate: 0.276
Alkalinity: 9.4
Calcium: 440
Magnesium: 1260

Some concerning things are the spike in phosphate and the drop in magnesium. Since next Saturday the tank is being moved and will probably be filled with fresh saltwater, should I correct those numbers or leave them ?

In preparation for the move I picked up a garbage can to mix water in. Should be easier than a bunch of 5 gallon buckets!

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Llorgon 12-02-2019 08:17 PM

Alright, moving day has come and gone and the tank and inhabitants all seem to be doing fine. Much better result for the coral on this move than the last.

I filled the tank with all new saltwater so hopefully that will help in lowering the rising phosphates I was having before the move. I'm excited to actually be able to start buying some corals and replenishing my cuc!

One thing I have to figure out is how to make water. The only tap I have that will fit the tap connector for the ro/di unit is in the garage, which is a pretty cold place right now. Anyone have experience with making or keeping saltwater in a cold garage?

And now for the important stuff, what should my first new coral purchase be?!?

Dash 12-03-2019 03:10 PM

Glad to hear things went smoother this time.
Is that my Forest Fire digi that is coming around?:razz: Maybe you’ll pick up something nice with the Christmas sales. You need to come back to Vancouver for a coral run!

Llorgon 12-03-2019 03:58 PM

I'm happy it went smooth too.

Yes the forest fire is the one I got from you. The surviving part was less than the length of my pinky nail. But it has encrusted on the rock so that's a good sign. It's actually the only thing I got from you that survived the move.

I probably won't be back to vancouver until the spring. I did see your frags post and wondered if you shipped. :)

Dash 12-04-2019 06:35 AM

Sorry, shipping is beyond my current skill set:lol: If you’re ever in town, you’re welcome to drop by.

Llorgon 12-04-2019 08:22 PM

No worries. I will take you up on your offer when I come to town next.

Llorgon 12-05-2019 03:03 AM

Been pretty busy unpacking and setting various furniture up. Wife went on a furniture buying spree... So I haven't had much time for the tank.

The tank has been doing well. At least it looks to be. Fish are eating, hermits are roaming around my snail is moving around. Corals for the most part are opening up.

I had one issue with my heater where it stopped working. I haven't had the chance to remove it yet so I just added another heater in there for the time being.

Finally got the time to make some ro/di water. Went to set it up in the garage and realized I had nowhere to put the waste water! So I've rigged it up under the sink in the bathroom.

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Llorgon 12-05-2019 06:46 PM

So was able to get an ok photo of my growing forest fire and what could be new growth on what once was a nice green Jedi mind trick?

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Llorgon 12-05-2019 07:52 PM

wow pictures uploaded by tappa talk show up huge!

Llorgon 12-08-2019 06:59 PM

Found the secret to taking better pics of the tank. Do it when the sun is in the room!

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Llorgon 12-09-2019 08:07 PM

Tested my water last night

Tank Params are
Salinity: 1.026
Temp: 78
pH: 8.2
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 5
Phosphate: 0.402
Alkalinity: 9.9
Calcium: 480
Magnesium: 1280

Phosphates are really high so I added some rowaphos. Haven't had any big algae outbreaks yet...

bauder1986 12-10-2019 03:18 AM

I can't remember. Are you running a refugium? Or a GFO reactor? Those help out big time with phosphates. Especially the GFO Reactor.

another fun thing you could do is turn a reactor into a refugium. It's a very cheap way to get a refugium onto your system and honestly it would be the perfect size refugium reactor for your tank.

Here's a quick youtube video showing an example of one

Llorgon 12-10-2019 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by bauder1986 (Post 1039930)
I can't remember. Are you running a refugium? Or a GFO reactor? Those help out big time with phosphates. Especially the GFO Reactor.

another fun thing you could do is turn a reactor into a refugium. It's a very cheap way to get a refugium onto your system and honestly it would be the perfect size refugium reactor for your tank.

Here's a quick youtube video showing an example of one

No refugium or GFO. I added some rowaphos to take out some of the phosphates.

The reactor turned refugium is a good idea. Just have to make some space for it in the back compartment.

bauder1986 12-10-2019 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Llorgon (Post 1039935)
No refugium or GFO. I added some rowaphos to take out some of the phosphates.

The reactor turned refugium is a good idea. Just have to make some space for it in the back compartment.

Why not just design the refugium reactor to hang on the back of the tank. And just have a submersible pump in the back section of the tank feeding the water via tube in through the reactor then flow back into tank towards the skimmer. There are reactors that are designed to hang off of the edge of the glass to save space

Llorgon 12-11-2019 02:31 AM

That's what I was thinking of doing, but I currently have all compartments in the back in use. So I would have to reorganize a bit in order to fit the pump back there. But that's a good idea. Probably what I will do. I will just have to wait until after christmas. Christmas and the move really eat up my reefing money :cry:

Llorgon 12-21-2019 01:53 AM

Here is a long overdue update. Been busy lately and haven't been doing much with the tank until tonight. 

I've been sick, we've been unpacking and my wife got hit in her car so that's a write off so dealing with that as well. She's fine, just was a bit shaken up.

Anyways, the tank has been going pretty well except for my phosphates which have been steadily climbing. 

Fish are doing well and eating. Corals for the most part are doing well. My forest fire digi is slowly growing and I can see a bunch of new heads starting on the frogspawn. My one acan is doing great, but the red one could be doing better. It always seems to never be fully inflated. I've tried feeding reef roids, but they sit on top of it. The other acan eats it perfectly fine. Any ideas on how I can get it to perk up?

I tested water and did a water change tonight. 

Tank Params are
Salinity: 1.026
Temp: 78
pH: 8.2
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
Phosphate: 0.463
Alkalinity: 9.8
Calcium: 480
Magnesium: 1350

Llorgon 12-21-2019 01:54 AM

More shots of the tank

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Llorgon 12-21-2019 01:56 AM

Looks like my first set of pics didn't go through. Trying again...

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Llorgon 12-21-2019 01:57 AM

??????I added my last bit of rowaphos to the tank and after lots of tweaking I have finally got that ghost skimmer dialed in. Hopefully that will help get the phosphates under control.

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Llorgon 12-23-2019 01:12 AM

Picked up a hammer and Duncan frag.

Hopefully I have better luck with this hammer than the others I have tried. The last few I had in my 75 gallon would be ok for a few months then slowly melt away.

Also picked up some chemi pure to help bring down my phosphates.

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