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maron6977 09-08-2015 07:41 AM

Got the 3 lights up . Nothing fancy but programmed & had to try them out .
Think'in to add a couple pumps at other end , bottom. You might laugh but going old school (kind of) , I have a old wave maker box. It cycles 3 outlets randomly every 2 min.
Also have another gyre150 but not sure if I'm gonna use it . Maybe vertical in back corner . Anyone have input ?
Also a little disappointed , the 1 Kessil is still kind of bright on 5% , to use as a moon light . But it works

Parker 09-08-2015 06:08 PM

Do you like the coverage of the 3 Kessils across the lenght of the tank?

maron6977 09-08-2015 09:02 PM

Yes , very happy . I am going to add 2 x 4' T5's but just cause I got'em.

maron6977 09-12-2015 03:15 AM

Been busy . Got 2 pumps set up on overflow end , near bottom , set on wave maker from 8am-8pm. I think it does help for that circlular flow around the tank.
I also re-did the rock work - some of it , anyways . Pretty happy with it !
Then I transferred 6 fish & my mushroom/zoa rock out of my sump , that weren't very happy .
Next day , looking at my sps in old tank getting pruned by my blue spot puffer (another thread) I decided to start transferring a few things.
Day after that, things were still doing fairly well , so decided to transfer a few more things & my clowns (had'em for approx 10 yrs)
This is what I'm look'in at now !!!

maron6977 09-20-2015 03:47 PM

Sorry, not much to update. Been trying to get the water in check. Didn't realize reg IO , Alk was so high & mag & cal was so low - stupid . I usually use reef crystals but thought I'd cheap out & fill the tank with reg. , thinking I'd be cycling for a month or 2 .
Also haven't been able to snap a good pic of tank yet , gotta pull out real camera & see what I can snap.
All fish & corals seem to be doing okay , a little browning here & there , but to be expected . Also starting to go thru algae phase of a new tank 😝

maron6977 09-20-2015 05:31 PM

First try on old Kodak

WarDog 09-20-2015 06:35 PM

It's looking good! I've got the same problem with the IO, still have 2 more buckets to go through before I can switch. That green monti is looking pretty saweet!

maron6977 09-22-2015 04:15 AM

Got motivated & spent the whole $16 for the canopy frame , came home , cut & assembled .

Duckhams 09-22-2015 06:57 PM

Awesome setup! I love the shelf structure on the left, and that green monti-cap really adds a great dimension to the rock-scape! Im running the same lighting, 2 x kessil A360WE and 4 x T5's, lots of flexibility and options. Tagging along.

gmann 09-29-2015 02:11 AM

very nice set up. im considering doing a similar depth tank (30") and was wondering what the coverage of the 3 kessils is like (website says they have a 24" radius)? Did you add the T5's to supplement the kessils, or because they did not cover the whole tank?



maron6977 09-29-2015 04:46 AM

The Kessils cover fairly well . Adding T5's cause I have them & thought I'd give them a try . That way I can add different color as well .
Should be done by weekend & I'll snap a pic.

Just got back from Ryan's with a few frags . Crossing fingers !!!!
Thanks Ryan .

maron6977 10-02-2015 02:43 AM

Canopy coming along , main structure stained & T5's mounted .

maron6977 10-02-2015 05:03 PM

Madreefer 10-02-2015 07:11 PM

Sweet setup. Very nice

maron6977 10-04-2015 03:44 AM


Got my controller , power bars & timers all transfered hooked up & organized !
Lol !!!

maron6977 10-12-2015 06:35 PM

Sorry , no pics this time .
Been trying to get dosers dialed in . I'm close.
Added a few frags , thanks to Ryan & Walter. They seem to be doing good so far , except for 1 - tenius . A bit of STN , but alk is still a bit high - 10 . Moved it & see how it goes.
Picked up a few fish - 2 x anthias , naso , power blue & 2x star fish .
Power blue had ich & I don't have a quarantine tank , so in he went . I'm not super worried about that , cause I know the rest of my fish are quite health.
So far , so good . Ich is very minimal & no signs on any other fish . Now just get him eating & fattened up !
Staining pieces for canopy but weather permitting . Got to finish soon otherwise I'll have to wait till next June . Should be done in 1 week & hopefully I can sit back & enjoy it for a bit - till the next water change .

Flow - I added 2x hydor pumps cycling every 2min for 8hrs day .
Found it was a little much , turned them off & just running the gyre 150 . Surprising it seems good , right now just enough . Amazing for just 1 pump !

maron6977 11-01-2015 12:48 AM

Bad Mistake
Well, adding the fish with ich was one of the worst things I've done since starting this hobby 10yrs ago. It started off not too bad , then ramped up drastically over the next week . My tangs all had it bad & triggers . Tried Medic , garlic & fired up UV it seemed to help , but after another week the rest of the fish were getting it pretty bad . So it's been 3 weeks , tangs & triggers are looking pretty good . But a lot of the smaller fish have started dying off . Figure I've lost at least 10 ! And , oh Ya , power blue died after first week . Ich wasn't too bad but just wouldn't eat.

I remember having ich a couple times over my history & was never this bad .

On the flip side , everything else looks pretty good , considering .

Myka 11-01-2015 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by maron6977 (Post 968369)
I remember having ich a couple times over my history & was never this bad .

My more recent experiences with Ich have been similar - it was much worse than years ago.

I'd never, ever put a fish in my tank with known Ich though, that's not a good idea. It's a shame that you lost 10 fish to your decision. Imo, you really should consider a quarantine protocol bevause the size of your tank suggests you could lose many fish to just one infected one.

Duckhams 11-02-2015 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by maron6977 (Post 968369)
Well, adding the fish with ich was one of the worst things I've done since starting this hobby 10yrs ago. It started off not too bad , then ramped up drastically over the next week . My tangs all had it bad & triggers . Tried Medic , garlic & fired up UV it seemed to help , but after another week the rest of the fish were getting it pretty bad . So it's been 3 weeks , tangs & triggers are looking pretty good . But a lot of the smaller fish have started dying off . Figure I've lost at least 10 ! And , oh Ya , power blue died after first week . Ich wasn't too bad but just wouldn't eat.

I remember having ich a couple times over my history & was never this bad .

On the flip side , everything else looks pretty good , considering .

So sorry to hear that. It sounds like you put up a good fight trying to save them, and thank you for sharing your experience so honestly. If you don't have/can't setup a QT, maybe the LFS you purchase fish from will hold them for you in a medicated QT tank. This isn't ideal, but still another line of defence.

maron6977 11-03-2015 03:23 AM

So picked up a 26g bow front tank , stand , light & aqua clear filter . Gonna set it up as a quarantine .
Is that filter good enough ? Would I need a skimmer ???
Thinking to add live rock , etc out of my main tank sump & get everything going . Figure I got a couple months !

Myka 11-03-2015 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by maron6977 (Post 968595)
So picked up a 26g bow front tank , stand , light & aqua clear filter . Gonna set it up as a quarantine .
Is that filter good enough ? Would I need a skimmer ???
Thinking to add live rock , etc out of my main tank sump & get everything going . Figure I got a couple months !

Excellent! The filter is fine, you may want to add a small Koralia or other type of cheap powerhead as some medications lower the oxygen level and pointing a powerhead at the surface helps with gas exchange. It helps to keep the scum off the surface too. You don't need a skimmer. Keep in mind that you won't be able to keep larger fish like Tangs or Rabbitfish in a QT that size though.

There are two ways (or many more) to set up a QT using live rock. The first method is you medicate with the rock/sand in the QT and that rock/sand has been sacrificed. It can never be used for a reef tank ever again. Or, you can use live rock, but skip the sand, and if you have to medicate you can remove the rock and replace it with a few pieces of PVC pipe. On the other hand, you can skip the live rock and sand and just use PVC pipe, or buy a couple fake plastic rock/coral formations. I've found that fish do better and are more comfortable if you provide either real live rock or fake formations rather than PVC. I think it's mainly due to the color - the darker colors help the fish feel more comfortable.

maron6977 11-08-2015 11:00 PM
Just to show it isn't a complete disaster !

input80 11-08-2015 11:36 PM

Looking really good Mark.

Myka 11-09-2015 03:52 AM

Doesn't look like a disaster to me. :)

maron6977 11-10-2015 08:44 PM

Dave (Concept) was out & cut down my sump baffle . Running skimmer in 8" of water now . Thanks again Dave !!!
Snapped a couple pics at peak light time . Sorry, still phone pics .

Reef Pilot 11-10-2015 09:35 PM

Looks pretty darn good to me, Mark.

Wretch 11-10-2015 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Reef Pilot (Post 969321)
Looks pretty darn good to me, Mark.

I would have to agree. You seem very much headed in the right direction. Looks good.

maron6977 11-11-2015 03:45 AM

Thanks guys .
And Walter , the frags I got from you are my favorites & doing great !

Reef Pilot 11-11-2015 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by maron6977 (Post 969364)
Thanks guys .
And Walter , the frags I got from you are my favorites & doing great !

Glad to hear it, Mark, and hope your fish will get back on track as well.

Myka 11-11-2015 02:50 PM

Should we change the thread title yet? Or would that jinx it? :p

maron6977 11-11-2015 06:15 PM

No , I'm good .
Loosing over a dozen fish is pretty frustrating !
And I still have to restock in a few months .

Madreefer 11-12-2015 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by maron6977 (Post 963941)

Your tank looks great. What do you have for triggers in it?
Skimming through your journal I came across this older pic, ummm whats goin on behind your tank:lol:

maron6977 11-12-2015 04:24 AM

A Niger trigger & female blue throat trigger .
Haha , wife watching so you think you can dance . It's projected on 120" screen.

maron6977 12-20-2015 02:39 PM

So , I'm on the second page , time for an update.
Ick seems to be gone weeks ago . Everything was doing good so added some fish , back up to a full house again .
Bought myself a Xmas gift - calcium reactor . Took the dosers off line , except for my foz down .
So at this point , just trying to dial in Cal. reactor , hopefully everything will become a little more steady & I'll regain some of my color lose .
Considering tank is 3-4 months old , pretty happy with it - but I guess I should be with $$$ spent .

Dearth 12-20-2015 02:50 PM

Damn mighty fine tank there glad to see it doing very well

maron6977 02-14-2016 05:45 PM

Crappy iPhone pic update

Ryanerickson 02-14-2016 05:52 PM

Looks great mark

maron6977 02-14-2016 06:02 PM

Behind the scene

maron6977 02-14-2016 06:02 PM

Thanks Ryan !

input80 02-14-2016 06:46 PM

Coming along really well Mark.

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