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I need to do a writeup one day dispelling all the wuju juju that us reefer's seem to do out of sheer habit and misguided haplessness, haha.
Quick picture updates:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.n...0ac5f3fbc4df92 https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.n...659b47fab1c7e6 https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.n...0d9287fb9e3ec0 Some good news, a few of the Palys have started to sprout babies. At some point, I intend to upgrade the lighting to get better colors out of the corals (the rendition leaves a lot to be desired, IMO) -- but in the meantime, the fixture has been surprisingly effective at keeping the corals well-nourished. |
Nice dendros do they have polyps out under lights ? I've held off getting some thinking they're drawn in when the tank is lit.
Lots of dendros will extend their polyps during the day. Might take some training or small food partials in the water but most of the dendros I've seen are open even during daylight.
My dendros are always out. Its rare to see it closed up, day or night.
Mine are the opposite of suncorals in that they are open 90% of the time, if not more.
http://i1250.photobucket.com/albums/...ps16373f2d.jpg Proof! :biggrin: Just taken at 6:35pm. |
Bangin news! I'm always feeding.
Here's how you do a water change on a nano :D
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.n...b3b951b128107d https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.n...cdfba8acf734b3 Ten minutes later, everything looks exactly like it did before the W/C. |
Lmfao! ! Good one.
I hope you've got a valved bulkhead in the bottom rear of that tank. Be the quickest water change ever lol.
So 100% water changes?! :P
Some quick updates and pictures.
• Corals are looking fabulous. • Fish are looking great, but the organization of the cardinals seems to have broken down. They no longer bunch together tightly. Minor aggression, but no ripped fins. Very stable pecking order. • The minor nuisance algae growth from setup has seemed to ground to a complete halt. • I've been hand feeding the corals a TON of food. I've also been dumping a cube of cyclopeeze in every two days or so. The animals go wild for it. • I'm more or less convinced that bare bottom is the key to easy maintenance while supporting dense stocking and overfeeding. • 90% water changes rock. I wish it was practical to do this with my bigger system. So far, the fish list looks like this: • 4 - Ringtail Cardinals • 1 - Royal Gramma • 1 - Swalesi Basslet • 1 - Jaguar Goby • 1 - Molly Miller I'm thinking I wouldn't mind putting in a single Bangai Cardinal and a pair of Ocellaris Clowns. Onto the pictures: Ultra Acan after feeding :D https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.n...3125ea1a80f1d4 Utter Chaos and company https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.n...f7df36e4e5c3d2 Added some Rock Flower Anemones https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.n...e3ebe7c4b76c43 https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.n...ded2403aa5ab95 Finally got a picture of the Royal Gramma https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/...df&oe=5539699C I also noticed a couple tiny Aiptasia, so rather than uproote the rocks and manually extract them, I decided to add a Molly Miller to deal with them. Bonus points for eating nuisance algae and being super cute. https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/...b2&oe=553AC2FC https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/...b7&oe=553EB6AC And finally, some updated full tank shots https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/...76&oe=553969B5 https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/...6a&oe=5522BEBF https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.n...a7274f59c4c0d5 |
Lookin awesome
Can we see that water change in slow motion that was too fast I blinked lol :)
Great pics Albert
Cute fish. Any more Molly Millers available and price for one please.
Thanks, Anthony |
I just looked at this thread on a friend's monitor... Colors were way off, lol... Friggin Instagram. |
Got some mugshots today :D
Molly Miller https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/...64&oe=552A8041 Swalesi Basslet https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.n...d8bc1764f63124 Jaguar Goby https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/...10&oe=556AEA91 And lastly, here's what you can do in a barebottom tank with impunity - Drop a whole cube of Cyclopeeze in followed by some Mysis for good measure: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.n...87ba02f8aefe32 Thanks for looking! |
Nice little tank, looks great!
great fish selection , man I wish you were still working at gold's. We dont get cool fish anymore :cry:
Looking good. Nice pics on the wee fish
Nice nano!
Nice. I want one of those Swalesi !
• Added a pair of Curious Worm Gobies. They were almost food for the cardinals. Almost. I don't have a picture of them (yet), but they look like this: http://www.nano-reef.com/uploads/gal...2501_49503.jpg • Added a couple Porcelain Crabs. • Added a Dwarf Yellow Boxer Shrimp. • I tried to add an Anemone Shrimp, but the Molly Miller wouldn't stop harassing it. No large surprise there as they look more or less like a big Mysid. Ah well, such is life. |
Got a pic of the Curious Worm Goby :D :D :D
https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/...31&oe=5536EDC5 I want to throw one of these in there... https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.n...b1dbbf61c70418 Added a Borneman Anemone (pic sux, I'll get a better one tomorrow): https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/...3a&oe=552745AD Also added a bunch of hitchhiker Porcelain Crabs and Pistol Shrimps! We'll see if they survive, heh. Tomorrow is water change day! |
Go to bed
How often do you change your water?
Albert, great tank- love the huge water changes. Any worries about some of the cyclopeeze getting in the rock and missed during water changes/bottom siphoning? I'd like to feed like this but it seems that even with a bare bottom I can still miss a lot of organics in the rock- even with basting once or twice a week. Seems to always be crap in there ( like christy said- never seems to stop shedding).
Greg |
Ahhh I don't really concern myself with that. Brittle stars and bristleworms are your friends in this respect. My rocks don't shed, so yah.
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