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Knoxy 12-12-2014 06:25 AM

I'd take 4x2

andiok 12-12-2014 02:34 PM

Ron u still doing this. i might need a 2x4 piece. thanks

WarDog 12-12-2014 04:07 PM

This thread is from September. I would PM Ron to see if he still has some available.

Aquattro 12-12-2014 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 924882)
This thread is from September. I would PM Ron to see if he still has some available.

Ya, that was my first thought. PM'ed last night, hoping he does.

WarDog 12-12-2014 05:03 PM

It's really good stuff Brad, hoping you get some!

apexifd 12-12-2014 11:54 PM


Aquattro 12-12-2014 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by apexifd (Post 924932)

Not yet!

Werbo 12-13-2014 01:13 AM

I pm'd Ron weeks ago for some mesh. No reply. I'm still looking....

Aquattro 12-13-2014 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by Werbo (Post 924939)
I pm'd Ron weeks ago for some mesh. No reply. I'm still looking....

Ok, I'll see what I can find and let you know.

Werbo 12-13-2014 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 924945)
Ok, I'll see what I can find and let you know.

Please let me know. 4x2 required. If no luck I can try and find the emails for the guy in the States who mailed me some last year

Madreefer 12-13-2014 04:34 AM

I'm pretty sure there's some in PG:wink:

Aquattro 12-13-2014 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by Madreefer (Post 924961)
I'm pretty sure there's some in PG:wink:

Just hanging in the trees? :) Or you got a connection? lol

Doug 12-13-2014 04:24 PM

If you can find Ron and get some of his, its great mesh. I bought some for my tank.

duncangweller 12-13-2014 04:26 PM

I have some. How much do you need? Its the stuff from BRS

Madreefer 12-13-2014 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 924962)
Just hanging in the trees? :) Or you got a connection? lol

There's a roll in my garage

Aquattro 12-13-2014 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Madreefer (Post 925002)
There's a roll in my garage

Nice. So how would someone, say, in Victoria, get access to this roll? :)

ColinD 12-13-2014 05:17 PM

I could use a 3X2' piece if anyone has any.


WarDog 12-13-2014 05:25 PM

Seems to still be a demand for this mesh. I wonder if the sponsors are taking notes?

hillegom 12-13-2014 05:33 PM

Ron still has some of that mesh. I will try to get a hold of him

Madreefer 12-13-2014 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 925003)
Nice. So how would someone, say, in Victoria, get access to this roll? :)

How much you need Brad?

Aquattro 12-13-2014 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Madreefer (Post 925040)
How much you need Brad?

Bill, enough for a 30x40 cover, plus whatever waste is likely. So 3' x 4' maybe?

Madreefer 12-14-2014 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 925053)
Bill, enough for a 30x40 cover, plus whatever waste is likely. So 3' x 4' maybe?

Done. Pm me your address again. Shipping cost good enough for me.

Aquattro 12-14-2014 02:40 AM

Sent, thx

TimT 12-14-2014 04:36 AM

Something worth mentioning is that if you don't regularly rinse the salt creep off the mesh it tends to eat it. I think halides play a role in the deterioration as well. I suspect average life is a year or two.

Aquattro 12-14-2014 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by TimT (Post 925082)
Something worth mentioning is that if you don't regularly rinse the salt creep off the mesh it tends to eat it. I think halides play a role in the deterioration as well. I suspect average life is a year or two.

I was thinking about that with the MH, they will heat it up pretty good :)

TimT 12-14-2014 05:06 AM

The weird thing is they don't usually get brittle under the halide, it seems to be around the edges, about an inch in from the frame.

Aquattro 12-14-2014 05:42 AM

I find when fish jump out, they tend to get brittle around the edges too. I guess replace as necessary :) Mesh, not fish lol

WarDog 12-14-2014 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by TimT (Post 925082)
Something worth mentioning is that if you don't regularly rinse the salt creep off the mesh it tends to eat it. I think halides play a role in the deterioration as well. I suspect average life is a year or two.

Good to know, thanks for the info Tim.

Learning is fun!

Ron99 12-16-2014 05:46 PM

Hey Guys. Sorry I was away from Canreef and things for a while. Been dealing with getting my divorce finally done (lots of prep and then 6 days in court :-/ Not fun) and a few other things.

I do still have a bunch of mesh so if anyone is still looking let me know.

andiok 12-16-2014 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Ron99 (Post 925451)
Hey Guys. Sorry I was away from Canreef and things for a while. Been dealing with getting my divorce finally done (lots of prep and then 6 days in court :-/ Not fun) and a few other things.

I do still have a bunch of mesh so if anyone is still looking let me know.

sry to hear that man.
i would be interested on a 2x4 piece. pls pm me your paypal and details for shipping and cost of mesh. thanks Ron

Ron99 12-17-2014 12:30 AM

It all turned out ok but wasn't fun at the time.

Just heading out for the evening. I'll figure that out and PM you in the morning.

andiok 12-17-2014 03:37 AM

thx Ron

Ron99 12-17-2014 10:32 PM

Replied to all PMs etc. Also, just an update that my bank now supports Interac money transfers so that's a payment option too.

ColinD 12-20-2014 05:03 PM

PM replied to and transfer sent, Thanks Ron.


hillegom 12-20-2014 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Ron99 (Post 925638)
Replied to all PMs etc. Also, just an update that my bank now supports Interac money transfers so that's a payment option too.

EMT, so easy

Ron99 01-07-2015 09:09 PM

Bump. I had to buy this in bulk and brought in almost 700 sq ft of the stuff :) Still have something like 300 sq ft left for any interested folks.

fooman 01-15-2015 05:08 PM

Hello I was wondering if I could get a piece 6x3? I live in Revelstoke and would appreciate if you could ship it to me.


Ron99 01-15-2015 06:29 PM

PMed you fooman...

cchomistek 02-12-2015 03:58 PM

Anyone have any idea how to get ahold of Ron besides email as I sent him some money for some mesh but have not heard back from him.

Seriak 02-12-2015 04:26 PM

Anyone know where Ron got his mesh. I would be interested in bringing in a roll. I bought the Canadian tire stuff but the holes were still big enough to allow my small wrasse to jump through it twice. Second time he didn't make it. :(

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