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thmh 11-05-2013 02:39 PM

Day 5! I woke up today and decide to do the handle bar stache! :-) I clean the surrounding area and I must say it's started to grow in alright!..... I think the mustache is changing me though .... I felt the urge to comb my hair to one side today:-)! Please share your progression shots with us "MO Reefers"!


uniboob 11-05-2013 02:51 PM

I plan on doing no cleaning what so ever, as I want people to ask why I have a Sasquatch living on my face. I will then spread some Movember info and spread the news and awareness!! I'll have an update for you tonight :)

thmh 11-05-2013 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by uniboob (Post 856681)
I plan on doing no cleaning what so ever, as I want people to ask why I have a Sasquatch living on my face. I will then spread some Movember info and spread the news and awareness!! I'll have an update for you tonight :)

remember the rule my mo bro! nothing can be even or longer then the mustache!!!:D so clean up the surrounding and rep your MO proud:D.

typezero 11-05-2013 03:59 PM

This is the first time in years since i used a razor, normally i trim it down to a zero. But this month is special and it is a great cause, so i washed the dust of the razor and went to work!

Im going to keep the handle bars for now maybe keep them mo ever!!!!!!

jorjef 11-05-2013 04:40 PM

Those are quite the mug shots you guys have going there :biggrin:

uniboob 11-05-2013 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by thmh (Post 856682)
remember the rule my mo bro! nothing can be even or longer then the mustache!!!:D so clean up the surrounding and rep your MO proud:D.

My MO is always more dirty and longer then my beard, I think my dad's dad's dad's dad's dad was Mexican because of the way it grows.

The MO will be representing for sure.

uniboob 11-05-2013 10:44 PM

MadJellyCorals 11-06-2013 01:26 AM

Oh Hot Dayum!!! This keeps getting better!!! <3 Reefwholesale!!!
Anyone who joins "MO Reefers" and grow a mustache , Reefwholesale will hook them up with a sample package of Fauna Marine Food with their next purchase with Mad Jelly Corals!!! which includes :
Fauna Min F
Fauna SeaFan
Fauna clam
Fauna Zoa and Ric
Fauna LPS

Kraken 11-06-2013 01:31 AM


thmh 11-07-2013 02:14 PM

Day 7 : it has been years since I did a clean razor shave on my soft smooth baby bottoms face:-( this morning I took the razor to my face and I think I unleashed my inner hipster!


Kwood 11-07-2013 03:40 PM

Wow, Tony, have you been hammering nails? maybe smelling some quality wood?

thmh 11-07-2013 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Kwood (Post 857232)
Wow, Tony, have you been hammering nails? maybe smelling some quality wood?

You know it!


typezero 11-07-2013 07:31 PM

Movember Reefers!
Whoaaaaa buddy lay back on the wood sniffing and home depot loitering.

Good stuff broski!

Jason McK 11-07-2013 08:52 PM

LOL I did Movember a couple of years ago.
All was going well until I had a meeting scheduled in California. That's no problem Easy to explain what I was doing. The Issue arose when I realized my passport needed renewal.

But I did not give up. But now I have 5 years with my Passport picture being me with a handlebar stash.
Had a boarder guard actually say to me "Cleaning up your act I see" LOL

Wheelman76 11-07-2013 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Jason McK (Post 857294)
LOL I did Movember a couple of years ago.
All was going well until I had a meeting scheduled in California. That's no problem Easy to explain what I was doing. The Issue arose when I realized my passport needed renewal.

But I did not give up. But now I have 5 years with my Passport picture being me with a handlebar stash.
Had a boarder guard actually say to me "Cleaning up your act I see" LOL

That's Awesome!!!

thmh 11-08-2013 02:36 AM

Is mustache creepy? check this video out!!:D

Kwood 11-09-2013 01:53 AM

Well, time for me to get off my wrasse and join the mega mo man reefers club

The sacrifice;

New beginnings, day 1;

I then sniffed some quality wood, hammered some nails, hiked to Scottland and washed it with Lagavulin 16 Year old single malt scotch islay, Brute musk, and whale oil, dried it over a fire of peat and turf. I then had it combed by Tibetan monks as per Nick Offerman's instructions and by 5 o'clock that SAME DAY, this popped out!!....

Don't mind the goatee. This month its a Moatee :mrgreen:

Kwood 11-09-2013 02:47 AM

My (MO)tivational story;

One of my best friends growing up playing hockey together, Chris Kushneriuk, was diagnosed with stage 4 testicular cancer at 24. He is a true inspiration and easily one of the strongest fighters I know.

I also lost my uncle to cancer a few months ago. I got a call from my mother asking me to drive down to Kingston to see him in the hospital. It was the first time he got to meet my daughter. I am thankful that she is so young. She won't remember him as the severely emanciated man gasping for air on his death bed but as the amazing man that he was through photographs, how I remember him. He was a great man and is missed dearly.

Kraken 11-09-2013 03:15 AM

Heres my story.

About 2 years ago, my mom was diagnosed with colon cancer, and my family was pretty much devastated. She raised me, my sister and my little brother by herself and sacrificed a lot to to give us a better life.

As she went into surgery in 2011 I could remember the wait outside was like hitting brick wall every 5 minutes. All these memories were just rushing into my head and I just felt like throwing up. When the surgeon came out, he didn't have a smile on his face, which scared the crap outta me, but thank God the surgery was successful.

We were told that the cancer was successfully removed and that chemo would not be necessary.

A year later, she was diagnosed with a recurrence. Apparently, not all the cancer was removed completely and since she was advised not to get chemo, it just grew back. We then decided to go to Hong Kong to get her treated and after a long and hard battle with chemo and another surgery she is now still in recovery and looking better everyday.

This is a great cause and I hope that my story will inspire you guys to cherish your families even more. Knowing that I may not be able to see my mom ever again after rolling into the operating room was probably the most devastating experience in my life, and I have learned to cherish every moment with her ever since.

Now go and hug someone you cherish and just be thankful for having their company!

thmh 11-09-2013 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Kwood (Post 857590)
Well, time for me to get off my wrasse and join the mega mo man reefers club

The sacrifice;

New beginnings, day 1;

I then sniffed some quality wood, hammered some nails, hiked to Scottland and washed it with Lagavulin 16 Year old single malt scotch islay, Brute musk, and whale oil, dried it over a fire of peat and turf. I then had it combed by Tibetan monks as per Nick Offerman's instructions and by 5 o'clock that SAME DAY, this popped out!!....

Don't mind the goatee. This month its a Moatee :mrgreen:

MO Bros Unite!!!:D

thmh 11-09-2013 02:22 PM

Thanks Mr Kwood and Mr kraken for sharing your personal story with us!


thmh 11-10-2013 07:25 AM

We need your MONEY or your MO!!!:D help us combat prostate and testicular cancer by donating or growing a mustache!!!

Please like us on facebook and share this post so we can spread touch as many people as we can!!!:D

thmh 11-11-2013 03:03 PM

MOmembrance day!
Day 11 : My stache+handle bar is growing in nicely except for this one small patch Iam missing :-( let's hope it gets filled in soon so I can be complete! Also one of my marketing team member aka keener pointed out that I was scarring everyone away with my mean mugging photos so i'll try to smile from now on:-D


Skimmerking 11-11-2013 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by thmh (Post 858054)
MOmembrance day!
Day 11 : My stache+handle bar is growing in nicely except for this one small patch Iam missing :-( let's hope it gets filled in soon so I can be complete! Also one of my marketing team member aka keener pointed out that I was scarring everyone away with my mean mugging photos so i'll try to smile from now on:-D


thmh 11-12-2013 04:28 PM

We need your MONEY or your MO!!! help us combat prostate and testicular cancer by donating or growing a mustache!!!

Please like us on facebook and share this post so we can spread touch as many people as we can!!!:D


H2o2 11-12-2013 04:41 PM

I am in and thanks for doing this

thmh 11-12-2013 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by H2o2 (Post 858267)
I am in and thanks for doing this

Thanks for the donation Harry! <3


mseepman 11-12-2013 11:07 PM

I've been supporting this for years and I'm glad to see others on here doing the same. Make sure if you're supporting this that you do a mo-page on the movember site...its the best way to share what is happening.

thmh 11-14-2013 08:32 PM

Day 14: My face has never been sooo ichy! Gahhhh I hate clean shave! :-( end my rant! Alright guys let's get down to business! Please my fellow "MO Reefers" post your progression shots so everyone can see what we all about! P. S if you haven't checked out our awesome Movember contest yet please do!


thmh 11-14-2013 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by mseepman (Post 858386)
I've been supporting this for years and I'm glad to see others on here doing the same. Make sure if you're supporting this that you do a mo-page on the movember site...its the best way to share what is happening.

Thanks Mark for sharing your picture with us! That is definitely an awesome stache you got there!

~Tony 11-14-2013 08:48 PM

Not gonna lie I haven't shaved since October

typezero 11-14-2013 08:49 PM

Thats a good lookin mo spit fire!

This is my 2 week mo shot

thmh 11-14-2013 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 858954)
Not gonna lie I haven't shaved since October

Omg you can do the twisty twist with your stache!...... Soooo madjelly!

~Tony 11-14-2013 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by thmh (Post 858957)
Omg you can do the twisty twist with your stache!...... Soooo madjelly!


My wife hates it, I do it to bug her

lastlight 11-14-2013 09:13 PM

Need the soul patch now mark!

thmh 11-19-2013 02:01 AM

Movember Reefers!
Wooohoooo $450 so far!!!! Keep the love coming!

BowedFloor 11-24-2013 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Hydrologist (Post 856194)
This photo is a little scary, but here it goes...


My submission

thmh 11-30-2013 02:23 PM

Movember Reefers!
It's the finale count down!!!


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