Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board

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Chiz 08-11-2013 07:36 PM

Update as of Aug 10th

Yellow Tang - $30 *Sold*
Sailfin Tang - $45 *Sold*
Mandarin Blenny - $30 *Pending*
Clowns (mated pair) - $40 *Sold*
Coral beauty - $30 *Pending*

GSP (~18" Long) - $50
GSP (~4" Long) - $20
Toadstool (~12" across) - $60
Tree Coral - $50
Zoa colony (~30 heads) - $40 *Sold*
Single Mushroom - $10
Mushroom colony (~20 heads) - $50
Plate coral - $20 *Sold*

Shrimp (x2) - $10/ea *Sold*
Long tentacled Anemone (x3) - $40/ea
Spiny Urchin (~7" across) - $40
Snails/Hermit Crabs


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