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kien 01-31-2013 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 788359)
Like the coral idea to Kein, that would awesome.

That Kein guy has some great ideas.

The Grizz 01-31-2013 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 788363)
That Kein guy has some great ideas.

Damn it, iPad auto correct strikes again :redface: I usually check especially with your name KIEN cause it always switches it.

kien 01-31-2013 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 788366)
Damn it, iPad auto correct strikes again :redface: I usually check especially with your name KIEN cause it always switches it.

That's because even your iPhone knows that Kein is cooler than kien.. :-(

Anyway.. I just thought of another idea. Most people lug around cell phones now. How about a card or label with the picture of the fish/coral/invert and a QR next to the picture that we can scan in with our camera phone which would pop open a browser page that has ALL the info that we could possibly ask. This way we could also book mark it, cross reference, etc. BOOYAH! Take that Kein!

BlueWorldAquatic 01-31-2013 04:58 AM

Actually I had the same idea years ago. Have the files and magnets still.

The reason we decided not to do it is that you can actually get to know the systems the hobbiest have at home. By us asking questions helps us work with the customer. Last thing you want is a customer buya naso tang even though th card says the recommended tank should be 90 gallons minimum. I have had one person that wanted to do that a while ago, and lyndsy refused to sell it to him, even got her called a tang nazi. If we didn't ask questions the customer may have got the tang. I would rather lose the sale than have a fish live in a small tank.

Another reason, there is too much to catalogue, if you are going to do it. You need to do it 100%. I can imangine what my database would be like.


axe_man16 01-31-2013 02:15 PM

All fair points Ken. You will always run up against people who are not going to do the best thing for the fish. I do notice that there are fish that are in stock most of the time or at least ordered on a regular basis, and they seem to be put in the same tank or in the same area each time. Could there not be a card for those more common fish?

These are just ideas, and in now way trying to tell you how to conduct your business. I always enjoy going into your store.

sphelps 01-31-2013 02:29 PM

An alright idea, personally think time would be better spent on customer service, perhaps paying attention to some out of town requests by answering emails :wink:

The LFS in Saskatoon always had books on the counter that you could look at if you wanted. You could also just ask, these days I think most reputable stores have very knowledgeable people working at them.

Pan 01-31-2013 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 788344)
I really like those ID cards at Red Coral & would love to see them at all store for a couple reasons. It might really help new people to SW realize that they need to research there upcoming purchases. It's also helpful for some of us with minds packed full of work, family & life stuff to remember curtain facts about a curtain spicies.

If Steve can do it with a store that has only 3 employees then why can other stores as well. I mean seriously the stores are not always pack with customers from open to close, have one of the employees do it that have a pation for the hobby who knows they might really enjoy doing it.

A few of the nicest stores in the states that I visited had color coded sections...(on the floor) Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red. Blue was for new to SW, Green was some experience, Yellow was experience and coral, Orange were SPS (some) and Red was things Like Moorish Idols, and hard to care for corals....I liked that. It was all on the wall as you went in - the explanations. And painting the floor is easy. At the front of each Aisle was either a touch-screen or a simple list with what was/is available...numbered by tank. Then there was a laptop station where you could look up requirements etc. RED was not allowed to be purchased by people they had only seen a few times, unless for som reason someone spoke for you. Was quite amazing...I realize that may be hard...but too many times you get a ooooh so beautifull---tank home....oooh so dead :( It's hard as a lot of people worry if they don't take something now will it be there after they should then just research and order another if it works for you...but most don't

KPG007 01-31-2013 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 788371)
That's because even your iPhone knows that Kein is cooler than kien.. :-(

Anyway.. I just thought of another idea. Most people lug around cell phones now. How about a card or label with the picture of the fish/coral/invert and a QR next to the picture that we can scan in with our camera phone which would pop open a browser page that has ALL the info that we could possibly ask. This way we could also book mark it, cross reference, etc. BOOYAH! Take that Kein!

Damn, you stole my idea! It's a good one too. For those of us who go to J&L, it would be fairly easy for them as they already have their fish listed individually on their website.

Kein, Kien, who could possably make that mistake? :wink:

kien 01-31-2013 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by KPG007 (Post 788610)
Kein, Kien, who could possably make that mistake? :wink:

Man, if I ever meet that Kein guy... He nearly hijacked an entire frag shipment of mine recently!!! :twised:

JDigital 02-01-2013 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 788614)
Man, if I ever meet that Kein guy... He nearly hijacked an entire frag shipment of mine recently!!! :twised:

Don't forget about that Keen guy too..

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