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EmilyB 05-13-2004 08:27 PM

Wild caught seahorses are now under cites.

The last orders were placed a short while back. I got a notice from

Long overdue.

Delphinus 05-13-2004 08:33 PM

I thought they were already? Wow. Or do you mean they've gone Appendix II.

EmilyB 05-13-2004 08:33 PM

Yah, I figured I didn't quite word that correctly. I was looking for the message he sent, but perhaps that is what was meant.

Beverly 05-13-2004 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus
From Brazil? I wonder if they could be H. reidi then. Bev, you out there? What does our resident seahorse-whisperer think?

I don't know my SH species very well, but I'm sure they are not all the same species. The black one looks completely different from the others. The ones with all the spots on their faces are probably H. reidi, but I cannot say for certain what the others are. Here's a page for IDing the most commonly kept SHs:

monza 05-13-2004 11:49 PM

Very cool how long have you had them? Curious on that because I've heard wild caught can be a real challenge. All the cool ones I see are always wild caught so I have yet to take on the challenge of sea horses.


christyf5 05-13-2004 11:50 PM

Wow those are some great colors. :cool: Love the hitching post :biggrin:

Christy :)

Beverly 05-14-2004 12:55 AM


By far, it is easier to keep captive bred SHs. Wild caught may not catch on to eating anything but live food such as mysids. One of the best ways to train WC to eat frozen foods, PE mysis being the best overall frozen, is to train them to eat from a feeding bowl. Go to my website and click on Seahorses. There will be a feeding station section there. That is not to say that you should go out and buy WC SHs, though. CB are still waaaaaaaay easier to keep, imho.

ltay 05-14-2004 05:18 AM

They have been eating mysis. live and frozen...
It's hard to catch live ones in the overflow tank....
Surprisingly, they love cylopeez. I soaked them over night in Selcon.

Still, I would love to feed more live food. I have trained 3 of them eating frozen ones... but the deep red one is hard to train. I will try harder.

DOO-E 05-14-2004 01:16 PM

Are seahorses really that hard to keep. In the url address you place in a reply there is a sea horse that comes in gogarians so all reefers with one might have a dwarf sea horse in their tank. Unlikly but still there is a chance.

Beverly 05-14-2004 02:08 PM


Here are some research pages for you to read to help determine how difficult SHs are to care for:

The Library page from :

Information pages from :

FAQ page:

Beginner's Guide/Care Sheet:

Advice You Might Be Given By Your LFS About Seahorses:

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