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MarkoD 09-21-2012 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by pseudonym (Post 748133)
29 breeder right now. The tangs are very small juveniles waiting to grow a bit to be transferred to the 90.

Well.. it appears the one Atlantic Blue isn't the only victim. They also killed Oliver, my favourite Spotted Mandarin.

I can't express how much I hate clownfish right now.

its your own fault.

a 29 gallon tank is barely big enough just for the clowns. putting a tang (regardless of how big it is) in a tank that size is cruel.

you shouldnt be blaming the clowns, you should be blaming yourself

Enigma 09-21-2012 12:26 AM

I know that you're terribly distressed right now . . . but are you sure it was the clowns? That's a lot of carnage.

mrhasan 09-21-2012 02:07 AM

Clowns are territorial and can be even more territorial/aggressive when paired up. I think they just don't want anyone other then themselves in the tank. But on the long run, different clowns are different (some picks on new dwellers and eventually calm down while some will keep on harassing till death).

And about the starfish, they will not die even if they are exposed to the air for a long time. That's just a myth used by many people that stars die if exposed to the air even for a bit.

pseudonym 09-21-2012 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by Enigma (Post 748160)
I know that you're terribly distressed right now . . . but are you sure it was the clowns? That's a lot of carnage.

Pretty sure it is the clowns.. they are the only things in there really that even have the equipment to hurt another fish. I don't have many fish at all. The two clowns, a blenny, two spotted mandarins and three dragon faced pipe fish and the juvenile tangs (These are VERY little tangs BTW. About the size of a small clown fish). The blenny will take a swipe at them every now and again, but it is a body swipe and not an aggressive bite. The damage to these fish really has to be seen to be believed. It looks like they have been beaten against the rocks it is so bad.

I can't think of anything else in the tank that could do that. I was thinking mantis shrimp, but I have so many small inverts and stuff, I would expect to see them go, or the pipe fish before the tangs! Not only that, but none of the other fish would be even capable of doing that kind of damage to the fish...

Some good news.. I actually found the second Tang. Bad news.. doesn't look like he will live through the night. It looks like he has been beaten against the rocks nightly. Here is a video of him. He won't even eat.

The starfish thing.. I have heard both side of that. I got a Linkia from AI and they said the same thing, we took it out of water when putting it in the tank and it died awfully quickly, so did theirs. Since then I have been paranoid about taking them out of the water. I am really hoping they survive. They are the little red ones and are supposed to be somewhat hardy...

mrhasan 09-21-2012 02:18 AM

The tang is in really bad shape :(

BTW do you have a mantis in your tank?

pseudonym 09-21-2012 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by mrhasan (Post 748212)
The tang is in really bad shape :(

BTW do you have a mantis in your tank?

One of the reasons that i am so upset. I feel guilty and awful and.. like I let them down. It is horrible to see and that video doesn't even come close to showing how bad it is. I was thinking mantis myself, but it would have eaten all the emerald crabs, pom pom crabs, the various shrimp and then the dragon faced pipe fish before it would attack the tangs like that.. at least one would think so! The dragon faced pipefish especially. It isn't like those little guys are quick on their feet or anything...

Everything else is also really healthy...

mrhasan 09-21-2012 02:22 AM

Yah but it would be, I think, wise to take precaution and remove the mantis. You never know when these pests will start playing the rampage game :neutral:

Enigma 09-21-2012 02:26 AM

You're itty bitty tang looks terrible in that video. :(

Good point on not having any missing inverts or empty shells. That would eliminate most of what I'm thinking of in the way of potential suspects.

I just wouldn't have anticipated this level of aggression from Pink Skunks. If they were Maroons I wouldn't be surprised. This really sucks.

pseudonym 09-21-2012 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Enigma (Post 748218)
You're itty bitty tang looks terrible in that video. :(

Good point on not having any missing inverts or empty shells. That would eliminate most of what I'm thinking of in the way of potential suspects.

I just wouldn't have anticipated this level of aggression from Pink Skunks. If they were Maroons I wouldn't be surprised. This really sucks.

They are orange skunks.. so a bit bigger but supposed to be even more peaceful that pinks! I never expected it as well. I removed the Wrasse as he was harassing the clowns, never expect them to start to do the same to the rest of the tank!

Would losing their anemone cause this kind of aggression? My coloured anemone didn't survive. Was tearing my hair out as to why it was dieing.. then I caught my spider decorator crab eating it! Explains why I had no aiptasia in the display and some in the fuge. They were aggressive to the tangs a before, but since then the big one actually was going into the live rock to harass the tangs. I really noticed it getting bad yesterday, and when I couldn't find a tang today was when I decided that getting the clowns out had to be a priority and tore down the rock.

reefwars 09-21-2012 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by pseudonym (Post 748224)

Would losing their anemone cause this kind of aggression?

they are naturally aggressive plain and simple :) part of protecting their host

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