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sphelps 08-02-2012 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 734891)
If there is a Princess Auto or you already have one, you can cut your plumbing with a proper pipe cutter and then its nice and neat. You can then use a coupler to rejoin everything. Nice and easy.

+1 except use unions so things can be dismantled again if need be.

If you can store the rock the properly during the move there is no need to keep old water but new water should probably be mixed ahead of time and aerated if possible.

In terms of the rimless option, I wouldn't do it as the glass underneath the trim won't be polished and removing the silicone will be a PITA. It'll look better with the black trim.

Nano 08-02-2012 04:02 PM

I talked to few aquarium builders and they said it'd be fine without it, so now I just have to decide if I'm up to it or not

Nano 08-04-2012 11:48 PM

Well everything has gone well thus far, the tank mates and corals are in the 29g temporarily, thought we lost the 6 line but turns out he just swam into the return pipe and came out after disconnecting it lol. Now were are working on replumbing the tank, and what not hopefully transfer it all back in in a day or two. Left the rim on the tank cause I just didn't feel like running into a problem. Though the next tank won't have that ugly black trim. I'll update my build thread once I get sorted.

Nano 08-05-2012 04:23 PM

Well the rebuild went well! I've mixed up 45g of new water and kept 40g of old the tank is salty, and I am just letting the temperature stabilize and then will transfer the live stock in tomorrow, once I can get a good match in salinity and temp to the existing tank water. Then drip everything in a bucket or 2 and thats that! Thanks all for the help and suggestions, and thanks to Harvey and Josh at Marine aquaria for lending me all the buckets I needed lol made life Soooo much easier.

lockrookie 08-05-2012 05:22 PM

glad it went well for you

Nano 08-06-2012 06:10 PM

Clowns hermits, snails and a few zoas are in. Going to see how things look this evening before moving the sps and other livestock

Proteus 08-06-2012 06:35 PM

I found using prodibio start up really helped Alot during the transfer. I used it when going from the 135g to the 180g with no losses. But didn't use it on the 26g. Even though I used old tank water. I was having ammonia issues. I added the start up am instantly things got better

Just a thought for ya ken

Nano 08-06-2012 06:39 PM

Thanks man. I have to rip up to big als to get some IO today anyway as i ran out so the salinity is sitting at 1.023 which is at the bottom end of where I need it lol may get some probido as well. I wonder if big als carries it? I would assume the other places around the south side are closed today. Clowns seem happy back in their usual spot already so that's good. I think I'll add the rest later tonight if I can get some probido or other start up

Nano 08-06-2012 07:10 PM

aggg... no probido at big als and blue world and marine aquaria are closed. havent tried red coral yet, but i really dont have time to go to the north end. any other products anyone can suggest that will do the same basic thing that big als may carry?

Proteus 08-06-2012 07:36 PM

RC probably be your only chance MA doesn't carry it and BW is often sold out

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