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StirCrazy 03-13-2004 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by EmilyB

Originally Posted by StirCrazy

Originally Posted by EmilyB
I get my filters and membranes from AquaFx. I can get a 100gpd membrane for $49.99 US. via USPS.

what color were they Em?


The membrane? I don't remember, why Steve? :smile:

cuz there is different qualities of membranes out there, when I got my unit from Dave (can't remember the company off hand but it was the one that most people had problems with) him and the owner of AquaFx were a item, so even suggest that they still are, big deal but the point is that they most likely use the same equipment (would explain why there products looked the same and cost the same) if this is the case then they do not use dowfilmtec membranes but rather a cheaper knock off as i found out when I replaced mine.


smokinreefer 03-13-2004 02:19 AM

uh yeah... i just looked at mine and it is AquaFX as well...
havent rally looked around a lot yet, but at $50US sounds like the best deal so far...

mason, a TDS meter can help you determine when its time to change membranes, having said that i havent used mine yet! but ive read the membranes usually need to be replaced within 2 years.

nascam, i never contacted aquasafe, cuz i never heard of them until now! :lol:

steve, is there a certain color membrane i should be looking for?

veng, wateranywhere... pricing is similar to aquafx... is it in the US as well?

just curious, what filter do you guys replace most often? i find that my carbon is what gets replaced most, whether it is depleted i dunno, but it clogs the fastest.

StirCrazy 03-13-2004 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by smokinreefer
steve, is there a certain color membrane i should be looking for?

no but you should buy a proper Dow filmtec. they are the industry leaders in membranes and very high quality. it will say Dow filmtec on it.


Originally Posted by smokinreefer
just curious, what filter do you guys replace most often? i find that my carbon is what gets replaced most, whether it is depleted i dunno, but it clogs the fastest.

it should be your sediment filter, if your carbon filter is plugging up first then you are not running a low enough micron sediment filter.

I run a 5 micron, then a 1 micron, then carbon (I run two carbon due to the volume of water I am pushing through) the reason for the 5 micron filter is to catch the free algae in the water and prevent it from plugging the 1 micron filter.

also for you people buying pre filters make sure they are 1 micron absolute, not 1 micron nominal. the latter is an average for the filter and they let particles bigger than 1 micron through and this could be plugging up carbon filters early.


props 03-13-2004 03:10 AM

i've talked to ed from aquasafe before ordering my 100gpd ro unit from them and they do sell membranes separately
i believe its roughly around 60-80dollars shipped to your door

StirCrazy 03-13-2004 03:10 AM

I get a good discount at a local water purification store, if people are interested I can check into a price on 100gpd membranes.


StirCrazy 03-13-2004 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by ProPs
i've talk to ed before ordering my 100gpd ro unit from them and they do sell membranes separately
i believe its roughly around 80dollars shipped to your door

who is Ed and what brand of membranes?


props 03-13-2004 03:14 AM

props 03-13-2004 03:15 AM

ed's the manager at Aquasafe
membranes made by

smokinreefer 03-13-2004 03:23 AM

steve, that would be cool if you can look into that. but if its a hassle, dont bother.

but i think that may be my problem, i probably have nominal, cuz i have used both the prefilter and the carbon at 1 micron, yet the carbon seems to go first.

i was actually thinking of ditching the DI and going with a 5micron then a 1 micron prefilter and then the carbon and ro.

StirCrazy 03-13-2004 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by ProPs
ed's the manager at Aquasafe
membranes made by

next time you talk to him ask how much more it would be to get dow filmtec membrains, I am interested in the price difference.


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