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Nano 11-24-2011 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Harpo (Post 653231)
So my snails are living and I have added 2 emerald crabs and a sand golby.... it has been 4 days and they are dead....all my levels are perfect and salinity is 1.025 and temp is around 28 degrees....WHY did they dye? This is my second attempt at the crabs .... I don't think my tank has cycled yet... I set the tank up on Oct 29th and it was a partially established tank...


no its not cycled you need to wait at least a month. Have you had a diatom bloom yet? whats your ammonia and nitrates? temperature? etc.
hopefully someone a little more experienced then myself can jump in here as well..

reefwars 11-24-2011 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by Harpo (Post 653231)
So my snails are living and I have added 2 emerald crabs and a sand golby.... it has been 4 days and they are dead....all my levels are perfect and salinity is 1.025 and temp is around 28 degrees....WHY did they dye? This is my second attempt at the crabs .... I don't think my tank has cycled yet... I set the tank up on Oct 29th and it was a partially established tank...


are you acclimating them before putting them into your tank??.....your tank is very young still too;)

reefwars 11-24-2011 02:15 AM

personaly wouldnt add fish until my cuc is doing well there needs to be a grace period before adding different stuff so not to upset the balance when a tank is brand new.wait out the cycle with an amonia source....add clean up crew.....add first fish......add hardy coral.....all of these should have a little bit of a time between maybe a week or so, no need to rush something you will have for years if you play your cards right:):)

Nano 11-24-2011 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 653239)
personaly wouldnt add fish until my cuc is doing well there needs to be a grace period before adding different stuff so not to upset the balance when a tank is brand new.wait out the cycle with an amonia source....add clean up crew.....add first fish......add hardy coral.....all of these should have a little bit of a time between maybe a week or so, no need to rush something you will have for years if you play your cards right:):)

+1 patience is key! I waited a month and a half before even adding my clean up crew lol. a little over kill but I wanted to make sure my parameters were constant, I even still had some problems, I havent lost anything yet though, but I have had my scares. I would definitely let your tank cycle 4-6 weeks, add your clean up crew 4-5 weeks IF YOUR PARAMETERS ARE STABLE then wait a week or even 2 to be safe! start with some hardy fish one at a time, if you just dump a bunch of livestock in the filtration doesnt have time to adjust, and your bioload will go nuts and you could kill more livestock. Patience young skywalker ;) patience is a huge virtue in this hobby.

Harpo 11-24-2011 02:53 AM

Thanks all
Thank you all! Patience is the key thats for sure.. Was trying to find a reason for the failure of the livestock I didn't have to point the finger at myself for be impatient...

Thanks once again! :biggrin:

Nano 11-24-2011 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by Harpo (Post 653250)
Thank you all! Patience is the key thats for sure.. Was trying to find a reason for the failure of the livestock I didn't have to point the finger at myself for be impatient...

Thanks once again! :biggrin:

Just for reference what are your parameters?
Salinity you said is 1.025 thats good
lots I know but this is all really important

Harpo 11-24-2011 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by nanomano (Post 653256)
Just for reference what are your parameters?
Salinity you said is 1.025 thats good
lots I know but this is all really important

I will have to keep you posted as I am going to be checking my parameters tomorrow and I will let you know.

Nano 11-24-2011 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Harpo (Post 653263)
I will have to keep you posted as I am going to be checking my parameters tomorrow and I will let you know.

k let us know, with out all the numbers it can be hard to pinpoint the problem sometimes, also whats your method that you are using to introduce livestock into your tank?

pscott99 11-24-2011 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Harpo (Post 653231)
So my snails are living and I have added 2 emerald crabs and a sand golby.... it has been 4 days and they are dead....all my levels are perfect and salinity is 1.025 and temp is around 28 degrees....WHY did they dye? This is my second attempt at the crabs .... I don't think my tank has cycled yet... I set the tank up on Oct 29th and it was a partially established tank...


Post all your tests and tank specs so we can help more. How did you acclimate the new purchases.

Harpo 12-09-2011 01:48 AM

i'm baaaaack....
Sorry Everyone... Work got crazy and of course family in town and all that Christmas fun stuff....

It turned out.....My temp in the tank was sitting at a comfy +35 ..... ouch!

All my levels were perfect...except the temp.... I didnt take into consideration of the heat the Bulb was giving off. :redface:

Question though....I have some type of clam running around my tank...looks like a this ok?? it doesn't seem to be bothering anything in my I hope its ok!

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