Originally Posted by reefwars
(Post 653239)
personaly wouldnt add fish until my cuc is doing well there needs to be a grace period before adding different stuff so not to upset the balance when a tank is brand new.wait out the cycle with an amonia source....add clean up crew.....add first fish......add hardy coral.....all of these should have a little bit of a time between maybe a week or so, no need to rush something you will have for years if you play your cards right:):)
+1 patience is key! I waited a month and a half before even adding my clean up crew lol. a little over kill but I wanted to make sure my parameters were constant, I even still had some problems, I havent lost anything yet though, but I have had my scares. I would definitely let your tank cycle 4-6 weeks, add your clean up crew 4-5 weeks IF YOUR PARAMETERS ARE STABLE then wait a week or even 2 to be safe! start with some hardy fish one at a time, if you just dump a bunch of livestock in the filtration doesnt have time to adjust, and your bioload will go nuts and you could kill more livestock. Patience young skywalker ;) patience is a huge virtue in this hobby.