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piusma 08-14-2011 09:06 AM

I had a Kole tang that is very aggressive with feeding and chases pretty much EVERY fish in my tank. It also gets very aggressive with it's own reflection. I believe he was a full size adult and I had to remove him to restore the peace in my tank. My tank is a 180 gallon and it wants to keep it all to himself!

dsaundry 08-14-2011 10:27 AM

I have a nice atlantic blue eyed tang, nice little fish, don't see them around much either.

notclear 08-14-2011 11:23 AM

I have a lawnmower blenny, a yellow tang, a powder blue tang and a tomini tang in my tank. They all get along fine.

Rice Reef 08-15-2011 07:23 AM

Thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts... Guess I should re-consider about getting a Kole for now as I really do like my lawnmower blenny.


Originally Posted by cuz (Post 629665)
My Kole and Lawn mower do pester each other. But it's not in what I'd call a bad way. It's almost as if they play together, from what I've seen when the blenny's had enough he let's the kole know it!!


Originally Posted by bkelly (Post 629669)
My kole terrorizes my lawnmower, the lawnmower has to get creative to get at its grazing , it hides mostly because of the kole. My kole isnt even that big, may just be him though.

My lawnmover blenny is at least 4" long... I made one mistake once and that was to have two lawnmover blennys. Only one survived :sad:. Will a small-med Kole still harrass a blenny that is bigger in size or will the blenny dominate a small/med Kole?

Rice Reef 08-15-2011 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 629672)
most bristle tooth tangs seem to have a general dislike towards blennies and gobies......we had a chevron in the display tank at the old shop that hated the orange spot diamond goby that was in with him and my chevron used to take runs at my shrimp goby.....he doesnt do it now that I have a pair of shrimp gobies....strength in numbers I guess....

I had a Tomini not long ago and seemed to have gotten along with my blennys but the blennys were only 2-3" long then. My lawnmover is now over 4" long and fat as ever... will the blenny take on and dominate any bristle tooth or vise versa?


Originally Posted by Starry (Post 629679)
My Kole tang and Tail spot blenny get along fine. Even hang out at the same end of the tank.


Originally Posted by Mandosh (Post 629681)
I had a kole and a starry blenny that got along fine.

Are other blennys just as good a grazer as a lawnmover? May consider making a blenny change in the future if I still want a Kole...

lastlight 08-15-2011 08:23 AM

My Kole gets ****y if he spots any fish doing a grazing-like motion. He loves dive-bombing my diamond watchman but the watchman is too fast and is back to his thing in seconds. I'd say he's a bit of a jackass in general but doesn't chase... just likes to dart at some of the fish if I'm close to the tank (might feed it).

Gripenfelter 08-15-2011 04:17 PM

Convict Tang or Clown Tang.

I'm getting both.

mark 08-15-2011 04:45 PM

Got a Purple and Regal, neither one is interested in the lawnmower blenny.

parkinsn 08-15-2011 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Gripenfelter (Post 629802)
Convict Tang or Clown Tang.

I'm getting both.

At 15" and a recommended 250g or larger for a clown tang. The OP would have to have a large tank. As would you with your 4 tangs already. Of which, 2 of them will get to the 14" range.

Also the survival rate on a clown tang is quite low. And they are one of the most aggressive tangs.

Zoaelite 08-15-2011 05:55 PM

Lets start with a tank size before we recommend half the ocean guys :razz:.

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