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Myka 07-29-2011 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by arash53 (Post 626797)
This would be my light systems change plan from PC to MH :

2Pm to 8Pm :

15 min ON 45 Min OFF for week 1
30 min ON 30 Min OFF for week 2
same for week 3
45 ON 15 OFF week 4
same for week 5
Full time on after that.

How is that sounds?

Why would you complicate it like that? :lol: That's a lot of messing around with timers! For lights, I just use the cheap $8 timers that have those little tabs that you move around. So to move a tab over a half hour takes a whopping 3 seconds. To mess around with several on/off settings in a day would be a pain in the butt. Doesn't really matter how you do it though.

What kind of corals do you have? You probably don't have to take 5 weeks to make the switch.

Cal_stir 07-29-2011 06:55 PM

dimmable LED, reefkeeper elite with ALC and lunar similation pods

blues 11 am to 10 pm
whites 12:30 pm to 8:30 pm

arash53 07-29-2011 06:55 PM

I am using 15min tab timers , it is not that hard to configure the time for that, I really dont want to bleach any of LPSs

This is mt tank :

Rose BTA , Green BTA, Elegance , Torch , Hammer , Frogspawn, Zoa, Mushrooms , Ricordia , Lobo ,
Mostly LPS and soft corals .

Current lighting is : 2x 55w 50/50 10,000k T5 + 2 x 18w Actinic T5 = 146W new one is :
New Lighting systems is : 1x 250W DE HQI Bulb 15000K 4x 24W T5 Actinic Blue = 346W!

it is more than double that's why I am really worried about this change

Lampshade 07-29-2011 08:55 PM

You can control the intensity by adjusting height instead of time, put you lights up on blocks and slowly lower it down to your tank. The on/off on the halides are generally not good. Not saying that you're going to break it, just shorten life (the amount for 5 weeks might be so little that it's not worth worrying about)

doch 07-29-2011 11:04 PM

Mine is like so:

Actinics: 10am-11pm
"Whites": 11am-10pm
Moonlights: 11pm-6am

Now, if it weren't for the fridays, saturdays and sunday when we're all home, I'd fire everything up a little later, but I like to go down and tinker in the mornings on the weekends. (My wife calls it obsessing... lol)

arash53 07-29-2011 11:11 PM

Oh ,So you have your moonlights ON all night

doch 07-30-2011 01:52 AM

Yup. funny thing about the world... the moon is out all night... and the SUN IS ON ALL DAY.


Originally Posted by arash53 (Post 626861)
Oh ,So you have your moonlights ON all night

arash53 07-30-2011 01:56 AM

I like that ,but I thought the fishes dont like it

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