chandigz |
07-11-2011 12:12 AM |
I have Tigertail cuc, tonga and small nassa snails, fighting and other small conchs(Love these guys), Olive snails, mudflat snails, Cerith snails, brittle stars, red stripe trochus snails, star and other astrea snails, annular ring cowries and abalone. . I have enough of all these that there is no need to vacume or clean anything other than the glass once and a while. I can't even remember the last time I vaccumed the tank. I has to be at least a couple of years.
I'm not a big fan of turbos because of the size they get and they turn into bulldozers. Urchins? Well depends on the urchin(benifits/risks). Most margarita snails come from cooler water so usually don't do well.