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Vitaminz 01-28-2011 04:12 PM

My File fish, has taken care of my Aiptasia, plus he is an awesome fish.


Coleus 01-28-2011 04:38 PM

i have some kalk that you can have for free, good enough to kill lots of apitasia if you want

Wayne 02-10-2011 01:41 AM

Concentrated lemon juice with a syringe paired with some peppermint shrimp cured my problem in just a few weeks.

If you feel ackward about buying a needle, just get into your grungy work clothes and head to the getto drug store. I am sure they would gladly hook you up :lol:

jonnyjamms 03-14-2011 05:14 PM

I hear you say, if you try to delete Aptasia Although still in the tanks, all the little bits break off into the water column once they become settled in the new sprouts. I'm sure this is the last thing you're looking for. Like I said I only heard maybe someone can confirm.

Coleus 03-14-2011 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by jonnyjamms (Post 598559)
I hear you say, if you try to delete Aptasia Although still in the tanks, all the little bits break off into the water column once they become settled in the new sprouts. I'm sure this is the last thing you're looking for. Like I said I only heard maybe someone can confirm.

To prevent this, you should turn of your powerhead and return pump so there is no water movement when you are doing this. Wait at least for 15 minutes before turning everything back on. Even better, siphon the dead aptasia out

Parker 03-17-2011 12:38 PM

I use vinagar and a syringe to kill it off. I have / had some pretty huge ones ( the size of toonies ) that took a couple of doses to kill.

I had a file fish as well, great little fish but he didn't touch aptasia. Sadly he got taken out by my closed loop intake.

abcha0s 03-17-2011 01:43 PM

No one mentioned Joe's Juice or Aptasia-X? Both of these products work. Maybe it feels wrong to spend $10 for something that you can make for $1, but that shouldn't rule them out. Personally, I'll pay the extra $9 for the convenience factor.

I've found Joe's Juice to be slightly more effective at first round kills, but Aptasia-X is much easier to work with.

Neither of these products will cure your tank, but both are an effective control.

I spent $200 on Berghia and nothing happened. Haven't seen one since they went in the tank. I also tried Pepermint Shrimp. They are now living in my overflow. Every time I move them back to the tank, by the next day I find them in the overflow. I'm pretty sure they like it there.

- Brad

monocus 03-17-2011 03:23 PM

berghia take time to work-took 3-4 months before i started to see an improvement in my 220.i started with 8 and after 6 months i had almost no aptasia with the bonus of selling 40-50 berghia to my lfs every month.berghia will also go after the small young aptasia first then move onto the adult.the main aptasia killer is the baby berghia-where they swarm one aptasia at a time.if you see a white swirll pattern on the side of your glass that is the eggs of the have to have patience with berghia

lastlight 03-17-2011 03:33 PM

I've only ever seen 3 in my tank since I set it up and I take no chances. Small wad of epoxy with some crazy glue on one side just for fun. I slap that right over the demon spawn. This is garanteed and for the very rare case it's worth the effort because there's no chance for spread.

Keats 03-17-2011 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Sumfingwong (Post 585728)
I think I have Aptasia in my tank, I wanted to ask if Aptasia can retract into a something its attached to.

I have an Aquamedic turboflotor, and I noticed an aptasia looking "thing" attached to where the intake is. During a water change, I used a piece of paper towel, and tried to pick at it and clean off the area of the protein skimmer. A couple days was back! So I used something and poked at it, and it slowly retracted into the intake area.

I will try and snap a picture of it tonight and post it. I just didnt know if Aptasia can do that (I'm still kinda new to the hobby)

Thanks all

Hey. I've had aptasia in my live rock & it's super easy to get rid of, IF you can easily remove the rock or whatever it's on. Take it out, squirt a drop of lemon juice on it and stick it back in! I've been told that you can squirt a drop right into it's mouth when it's in the tank, but I haven't chanced that as of yet...

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