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spawn 11-18-2010 08:51 PM

If you remove your skimmer collection cup, cut two pieces of floss one large one for the left side & about 1/2 that size for the right, kinda tightly wedge them in under the weir to the back & side glass effectively catching all debris that pass through the weir. It'll clean up particulate from your water column & limit the amount of future maintenance you have in terms of cleaning in the sump portion of the stock setup & give you better function on the stock skimmer. It works well. Now How did you hook up the reactor for those pellets, Pics would be awesome.

Cameron 11-19-2010 02:04 AM

PIcs will come.

I have thought about adding rubble/crushed coral to the left chamber to promote pods population....thoughts?

spawn 11-19-2010 04:31 AM

The bio media in that chamber is for surface area for the bacteria to grow on, but Iknow that there are pods living in mine rock would probably be better. I've got 70lbs in the DT already with 45lbs of sand so I've got pods. I've seen em swimmin, If i don't clean the glass for 4 days their all over it as well. GOT PODS?

Cameron 11-19-2010 07:19 AM

are you using the carbon and bio media in the back?

spawn 11-19-2010 06:33 PM

Yes. I run 2 bags of the chemi pure elite & 1 bag of purigen.

Borderjumper 11-19-2010 06:42 PM

I'm just running bags of live rock rubble in the back.

spawn 11-19-2010 06:46 PM

Here is a couple of shots of my tank this morn. again this is my first saltwater setup & it is 6 Months old started on May 9 2010. I think things are going pretty good so far. I run an ozmolator, 1 Koralia 3, 1 Koralia 4, 1 ecotech voretech Mp10w, & the 2 stock pumps with the stock skimmer. Parameters
Sal. 1.026
Ca 420
Mg. 1300-1350
No 3 5-10 ppm & dropping
Sorry about the shyte picture quality. I can't figure out how to get a decent pic. with my camera. It's an Olympus Stylus Tough & IMO the worst P.O.S. camera I have ever had. But you can take it diving to 33ft.

Cameron 11-20-2010 09:46 PM

Great tank.

Where is your other korallia? How do you keep your sand so white?

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