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legaultrm 02-06-2010 09:16 PM

Ken, what are the prices on the all the variuos dottybacks? Between me and a friend, we might be interested in a few of each. Also what is the price on the neon and yellow line goby?


BlueWorldAquatic 02-07-2010 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by legaultrm (Post 489683)
Ken, what are the prices on the all the variuos dottybacks? Between me and a friend, we might be interested in a few of each. Also what is the price on the neon and yellow line goby?


We have the neon yellows in stock right now $34.99.

The dottybacks will ranger from 39.99 to 69.99

Neon: $39.99
elongate: $44.99
orchid: $44.99
indigo: $44.99
splendid: $49.99
sunrise: $44.99
striped: 39.99


legaultrm 02-09-2010 02:59 PM

Ken, I hope this is not too late for the order. Can you get me one sunrise and one orchid dottyback. As well as one Yellow Assessor Basslet.


BlueWorldAquatic 02-11-2010 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Leah (Post 489590)

Can you get the blue assessors for that price as well? Is the $44.99 the price for the assessors or something else?


Talked to ORA the other day, the Blues aren't ready yet. But will be soon from what they told me, I'll try to get them to release a few if I can.


BlueWorldAquatic 02-11-2010 02:43 PM

Final Day for any ORA requests will be Friday (Feb 12)

I have the following on order;

Black Ocellaris
Snowflake Percs
Gold Striped Maroons
Yellow Assessors
Blue Assessors (if possible)
Red Head Gobies
Orchid Dottybacks
Sunrise Dottybacks
Indigo Dottybacks
Splendid Dottybacks
Smithi Blenny
Stripped Blenny


Leah 02-11-2010 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 491178)
Talked to ORA the other day, the Blues aren't ready yet. But will be soon from what they told me, I'll try to get them to release a few if I can.


That would be great!
Let me know when and how much.



ponokareefer 02-11-2010 03:09 PM

How much are the blenny's Ken?

BlueWorldAquatic 02-11-2010 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by ponokareefer (Post 491187)
How much are the blenny's Ken?

Which Blennies? Most will be no more than $39.99, I'm guessing $34.99.


ponokareefer 02-11-2010 04:29 PM

I was trying to decide between the Striped, Smithi or Harptail, as it doesn't look like you can add more than one without a fight.

BlueWorldAquatic 02-15-2010 07:55 PM

Order Due Wednesday
Here is the list we have arriving by Wednesday.

Snowflake Ocellaris
False Perc Pairs
Black False Percs
Gold Striped Maroons
Yellow Assessors
Striped Blenny
Smith's Blenny
Red Head Goby
Neone Dottyback
Orchid Dottyback
Splendid Dottyback
Sunrise Dottyback
Indigo Dottyback

Anything not listed that was requested was due to ORA having no avalibility.

Ken - BWA

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