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viperfish 01-08-2010 12:08 AM

I think a black background would look awesome!

ElGuappo 01-08-2010 12:18 AM

very nice.. i want to do this with a 48" 45 g tank. nothing special just some firebelly newts and toads. some white cloud minnows. maybe something else.

I like white clouds because they reproduce rapidly. i had a set up simular to what i mentioned above just newts dwarf frogs and white clouds. totally self sustaned. newts and frogs would eat the white cloud fry and were too slow to catch the adults. always had around 15- 20 white clouds in the tank. white clouds would eat the hornwart thus i never had to feed this tank.

Diana 01-08-2010 02:24 AM

Cool, yeah I hope to keep this tank really low maintenance. I will have to figure out what fish to add, if any, down the road. I don't know how the white clouds would do cus I am heating the water?


Originally Posted by medhatreefguy (Post 479322)
I think a black background would look awesome!

You know, I religiously put a black background on every one of my tanks. But on this one I have decided against it. I just think cus its a rimless tank and I have a white and black asian "zen" bedroom thing going on that not having a background looks really cool. It also makes the tank look more open and airy. We'll see down the road, but for now I'm digging the look. :mrgreen:


mark 01-08-2010 02:55 AM

wow, very nice.

LeeR 01-08-2010 04:17 AM

ahh your tanks made me catch the terrarium bug again:neutral:

steve fedyk 01-08-2010 06:53 PM

very nice terrarium, can't wait to see the inhabits.

ElGuappo 01-08-2010 07:16 PM

i have kept white clouds in heated and unheated tanks. they max outabout an inch. they are a mountain stream minnow.

dsaundry 01-08-2010 08:43 PM

Don't know how well orchid's will do, but bromeliads should work nice..:biggrin:

Haloreef 01-08-2010 09:03 PM

Very nice ,but watch out, you may end up getting bit by the Dart Frog bug like me! Just what I needed another expensive hobby! That leads to the Bromeliad and orchid bug and the etc. etc. etc. bug.
Best of luck!

Diana 01-09-2010 05:33 AM

Sooo sorry to do this to you guys but I went to the nursery today and got some amazing plants. So I just had to post more pictures to make everyone jealous :mrgreen:. Last pictures I promise. I really wish I could capture the colors, but pictures just don't do any of this stuff justice (but we all know that ;) ).

Full tank shots

Air plants & bromeliad on the log

Pitcher plant

Sundew carnivorous plant

Venus fly trap


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