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Skimmerking 10-27-2009 03:09 PM

i have a 12" scar on my back from excessive Army operations from carrying heavy back packs exceeding 120lbs and up to jumping out of air planes to you name it my scar almost cost me my legs and having it there is a small reminder of how lucky that i am to walk let alone run again. Long distance running is my favorite past time to.... but hey its a great conversation piece thou. I dont know why yours is there but hey none of my business. may be some things are just left alone..:biggrin:

christyf5 10-27-2009 05:35 PM

IMO polysporin cream is one of the best things. I know you probably don't need the antibiotic part at this point but theres some magic in that cream. Not the ointment though, thats just gross :razz:

freezetyle 10-27-2009 09:06 PM

Thans for the reply's. yea i its about 12" long i have Ulcerative colitis and had to get a large portion of my large intestine removed (all of it). so i guess the scar is the least of my worries. Im so solider, so ill have to come up with an interesting story to tell people. haha

JPotter 10-28-2009 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Sebae again (Post 458410)
Vitamin E, zink and when a model rocket blew up in my brothers face, I believe the doctor prescribed a cream containing silver nitrate or silver some thing. Cant remember as that was 30 years ago but he ended up with no scaring.

If it was a burn it would have likely been silver sulfadiazine...used on open not healed tissue.

G1GY 10-29-2009 05:02 AM

Wait untill it's fully healed and then see how severe the scar is. Some scars tattoo fairly well. Also, some raised scars also flatten out when tattooed with larger (Mag) needle groupings. If you want to stop by after your healed, I'd be happy to give you an honest opinion. How about tattooing a zipper over the scar? j/k

I hope you heal well.:)

freezetyle 10-29-2009 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by G1GY (Post 459077)
If you want to stop by after your healed, I'd be happy to give you an honest opinion. How about tattooing a zipper over the scar? j/k

I hope you heal well.:)

haha one of my friends suggested the same thing! I am definatly not doing anything durastic to it yet as it had only been about 3 months since I got it. But later on down the road I would not mind another opinion. Do you tattoo out of a shop here in town?

Jyman 10-29-2009 05:19 AM

Thats really not that bad of a scar. it will heal up nice.

My grandfather had a scar just like it, and after it healed it looked like yours but almost all of the red was gone from it. But my girlfriends scar is really bad looking compared to your. She had the same thing done when she was about 1 day old and the scar just never really healed that nicely.

freezetyle 10-29-2009 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Jyman (Post 459083)
Thats really not that bad of a scar. it will heal up nice.

My grandfather had a scar just like it, and after it healed it looked like yours but almost all of the red was gone from it. But my girlfriends scar is really bad looking compared to your. She had the same thing done when she was about 1 day old and the scar just never really healed that nicely.

I am by no means complaining about the wounds i got. i know that it could have ended up being a lot worse. a few of my friends have scars from a few years ago that don't even look close to how my turned up. its really amazing what we can do now in terms of leaving as little of a trace as possible.

i would much rather have a line (or zipper) down my stomach then the condition its self,

Myka 10-30-2009 02:07 AM

Imo there is no magic cream or oil. I tried them all. I even tried a $250 scar cream and it didn't work any better than Polysporin cream. Joke's on me. :lol:

I have a scar on my arm from a chainsaw where I got 13 stitches on the inside and 21 on the outside (luckily it didn't get me too bad). It's about 6" long. It was a nasty scar before, but I had surgery done where a plastic surgeon (instead of the nip n hack emergency surgeon) cut out the old scar and sewed it back up in some funky way where the stitches weren't visible from the outside. It was called Scar Revision. It healed up really nice after that. I think I have some before and after shots I will try to find for you...

EDIT: Ok I found them...

The spot the plastic surgeon cut out:

Today (11 years after initial wound, 8 years after scar revision):

iansfishy 10-30-2009 02:19 AM

nothings going to help. Its all about the way the body responds. Believe me Im covered in scars. Its not like its a c - section scar and you have to get into a bikini! come on your a dude...

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