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BoYd'O 07-15-2009 02:22 PM

I continued to add aditinal LR as well as base rock to beging my first ever aquascape to my 75 galon corner bow.

I allowed the tank to idle for close to three months, then i slowly started my decent into this beutifle adiction. I started to stock the tank I added 2x chalk basselets, 1 royal grandma and ...... a male blue deval damsel. All such radiant fish to watch but adding more stock to the tank resulted in a problem with the damsle. I never wanted nore thought a fish was so teritorial, but lesson learnt. Me and my brother inlaw spent the night catching him, so that he could be relocated.

The fish i was adding to the tank was a Tiger sand sifting goby as well as a lawnmoer blenni,

BoYd'O 07-15-2009 03:01 PM

I started off with a mushroom rock as my first coral, all water lvls and peramiters were good. One week after that rock went in I Went through a massive algea bloom again, one I nor my brother inlaw had ever seen....There are no pics of this as I was quite frustrated and trying everything to clear it up. Finaly after multiple water changes, different media and eventually, a uv sterilizer is what cleared it all up. "HAHA i could see my fish again and my beautiful mushroom rock!!!! .........That had no mushrooms on it anymore."

ok there are many storys in between there and now and i could spen all day typeing them out. Instead i'll go for the quick sum up and if there is a request for more i'll post them lol. So here is a pic on the tank at the 1 year marker point.

BoYd'O 07-15-2009 03:16 PM

A continuation of from then to now, month 1.
1 year
and current

almost all the corals in my tank started a little over and under the size of my thumb nail.

Snaz 07-15-2009 04:18 PM

Is that a Dendro I see in the cave at the Year One picture? Still have that coral?

Leah 07-15-2009 04:34 PM

Very nice, my damsel is the tank terror - as it turns out I finally got him out and he is headed back to the fish store soon it will be a happy day....even though I have had him
for 3 or so years.

BoYd'O 07-15-2009 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Snaz (Post 435045)
Is that a Dendro I see in the cave at the Year One picture? Still have that coral?

yes it is a dendro, and yes i still have it, it grew four new heads roughly 4 months ago and bing in the lower light of the tank it developed lage amounts of coraline, here is a pic of when it was in its glory,
since then it is now on a reverse cycle opening only in the dark, some resent reserch on the net says that they can be ajusted over a period to a 400 watt MH. so recently i have slowly rased it higher in my tank to see it i can get it back onto the right path.

BoYd'O 07-15-2009 09:30 PM

Here is another photo of my neon gree candy cane
as well as my neon blue one

rstar 07-15-2009 09:41 PM

Boy has that tank come a long way from day 1 Niall! Keep up the good work and it will only get better! Happy reefing!:wink:

Snappy 07-15-2009 11:30 PM

Welcome to the friendliest forum in Canada.

Snaz 07-16-2009 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by BoYd'O (Post 435082)
yes it is a dendro,
since then it is now on a reverse cycle opening only in the dark, some resent reserch on the net says that they can be ajusted over a period to a 400 watt MH. so recently i have slowly rased it higher in my tank to see it i can get it back onto the right path.

Feed it mysis and other meat and it will love you.

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