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mseepman 07-13-2009 06:16 PM

The tank is looking great! I've been following your thread on RC and you're really put a lot of thought into what you want this to look like.

Veng68 07-13-2009 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by mseepman (Post 434600)
The tank is looking great! I've been following your thread on RC and you're really put a lot of thought into what you want this to look like.

oooooooo........ link to the RC thread please :) I love reading about this kind of stuff.


Rus 07-14-2009 12:49 AM

Thanks Mark, It's neat to see someone notice that as well, I have been really trying to stick to my original plan for things , although like I 'm sure anyone knows it's hard to be patient as well as to realize potential of things and be able to visualize what things will look like in time as opposed to right at the moment. There are many thing out there that are easy to impulse buy without really deciding first if it is really part of our plan or not.

Thanks Vic, not real sure how to post that , although other than the early stuff you haven't really missed much, mostly just a bit more on the set up and fishroom side. I will try to keep this thread updated a bit as i go along , although i do admit writing these things down is not really one of strong points , as much as i enjoy reading others write ups I feel it's only fair to share a bit of our own as well.

If anyone has any real good links on balling method ( or 3 part dosing actually ) I would be interested , I have been humming and hawwing about possibly trying this method for even more ease and stability.

Veng68 07-14-2009 12:52 AM

Hey Rus,

just paste your link and put in the front and at the end of your link and that should link your RC page here.


Rus 07-14-2009 12:57 AM

Hey Vic, see if this works... what do you know I did learn something new today.. thanks

Veng68 07-14-2009 01:05 AM

Works fine :)


Rus 08-09-2009 03:24 PM

I have been noticing my Mag. levels dropping lately and after checking on my new water change levels noticed that the readings are very low from IO mix ( 900 - 1000 ) I have always supplemented the calcium in my mix to raise it and with the offset in price have found it worthwhile. But now with even more to add , I'm wondering if it is worth switching brands.

Has anyone had any luck with the Deltec Brand? At almost double cost I would want it to be near perfect levels each and every time I do a water change.

Any other brands that you have found very reliable?

Leah 08-09-2009 03:32 PM

This tank is Beautiful, said it before. In fact I love this tank :mrgreen:

Tomjay 08-09-2009 04:07 PM

Wow, nice setup your tank looks great. My entire setup is Deltec I use RowaKalk with my Kalk stirrer, I don’t have my Calcium reactor setup yet but once I do I will be using RowaLith Calcium C+ with it....

Rus 08-09-2009 04:15 PM

Thanks Leah , Tomjay : I use the Rowalith for my calcium reactor as well , but I have not seen any reason to use their Kalk , cost wise it is more and never did see a benefit to the extra costs.

Now their Salt on the other hand is something I'm considering.

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